Employers protest in advance against a possible staggering of the abolition of a production tax

by time news

2023-08-22 19:39:12
The president of Medef, Patrick Martin, July 6, 2023. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

Officials from Medef and the CPME (Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) denounced on Tuesday a possible new spread over time of the abolition of a production tax, the Medef being concerned about the “reliability of the word of the state”. The contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE) has been halved this year and was to be completely abolished in 2024. But according to a log information The echoes, not confirmed by the government, the abolition of the second half could be spread over four years.

“I have not had any definitive comments from Bercy and particularly [du ministre de l’économie] Bruno Le Maire but, clearly, a spreading of this suppression up to four years is under study ”told Agence France-Presse the president of Medef, Patrick Martin, one month before the presentation by the government of its draft budget for 2024.

“It first poses a problem of principle, which is that of the reliability of the word of the State”explains the president of the first French employers’ organization, while the abolition of this tax was initially promised for 2023. He also notes that the tax reduction trajectory was already “integrated by companies, primarily by industrial companies”.

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“Of the 4.5 billion euros of CVAE that remain to be eliminated, there are approximately 25% that would benefit the industry”, observes Patrick Martin, while the government has made the reindustrialization of France a priority. The president of Medef further notes that companies are put “under pressure, including from the State itself, to invest massively, particularly in decarbonization”in a context of economic slowdown.

A track neither confirmed nor denied

Jean-Eudes du Mesnil du Buisson, secretary general of the CPME, also estimated on BFM Business that “when a commitment is made and announced, it is imperative that it be respected”. For him, President Emmanuel Macron, who had “kept word (…) against all odds “ on production tax cuts since his election, gives in this case “the feeling that finally, he is changing course and footing”.

“We ask a lot of effort from business leaders” and they “would not understand that we are not asking for an effort from the public service”, he added. He warned of the risks weighing on investments and growth in the event of the postponement of the total abolition of the CVAE.

In an interview at L’OpinionRenaissance deputy Jean-René Cazeneuve, general rapporteur for the budget at the National Assembly, wanted to be reassuring for employers, without confirming or denying a spreading of the suppression over four years. “It is a track considered among others and the arbitrations are not made” he said, adding: “The promise of the President of the Republic will be kept. The earliest would be best. »

The president of Medef also notes that the government wants to use the present and future surpluses of unemployment insurance (Unédic) to finance France Travail, which is to replace Pôle emploi in 2024, and the France skills agency. For him, these surpluses could “to be directed towards a reduction in contributions for unemployment insurance” what “from now on, companies are the only ones to pay”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Why the property tax will soar this year

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