Employment and disability: a week to do (even) better

by time news

Our special issue on disability at work

In the car parks of Leclerc shopping centers in the Centre-Val de Loire to raise awareness of inclusion, or even during sporting events in Amiens, in Hauts-de-France, on the occasion of the 10th edition of the Handi ‘Hauts’Lympics… From this Monday 14 and until Sunday 20 November, the European Disabled Employment Week (SEEPH) is running its 26th edition through more than 600 meetings in France.

The challenge remains the same from one year to the next: to encourage the recruitment of people with disabilities. Linchpin of the meeting, Agefiph (Association for the management of funds for the integration of disabled people) is setting an example by posting a job offer on Twitter every quarter of an hour this week. Fairs, job dating and open days complete the system.

“We must communicate the fact that everyone is entitled to their place in the company, insists Didier Eyssartier, CEO of Agefiph. I tell people: fulfill your dreams, any type of job is possible for you. The figures are moreover favorable than ever in recent years. Companies, “regardless of their size”, he says, open their doors ever wider to people with disabilities.

The private sector alone, which depends on Agefiph, now employs 850,000 of them. For example, the boss of the Carrefour group, Alexandre Bompard, has just announced his intention to have 15,000 in his teams by 2026, an increase of 50%.

This same week, the skipper Fabrice Payen, supported by Agefiph and the first competitor in the Route du rhum with a knee prosthesis, should sail towards Guadeloupe. The promotion of inclusion will also go through overseas.

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