Employment in the media falls by 11% in the last 15 years

by time news

2023-08-20 12:00:48

Employment in the media has fallen by 11% in the last 15 years, since in 2008 there were 121,000 people working and in 2022 the figure stood at 108,000, according to the report ‘Evolution of the media and impact of the crisis recent’ of the BBVA Foundation.

The added value of these activities -which include newspaper and magazine publishing, film and television production and distribution, radio and TV programming and broadcasting, and news agencies and information portals- approached 6.2 billion euros in 2020 , 9% less than in 2008.

The publishing of newspapers and magazines has been the most punished subsector and its weight in the total media represents 15% in added value and 21% in employment, percentages much lower than those of 2008 (25% and 33% ). At the same time, other subsectors such as news agencies and information portals have doubled their weight, reaching 11% both in value added and employment.

The study recalls that the media have experienced “profound transformations, technological and competitive”, associated with digitization, which “forcefully” affect the sector, its companies and workers. On the other hand, he ensures that the sector has had three phases: a reduction during the great recession, between 2008 and 2013; a recovery until 2019; and a strong impact in 2020, attributed to covid-19, in which gross value added fell by 12%, in line with the general economic contraction (-11%).

In this sense, employment in the media recorded an initial “more pronounced” drop and a recovery phase postponed beyond 2015. Covid-19 had a “strong impact” on employment in the media, with a drop in 2020 9%, much higher than that of the total economy (-4%). The recent recovery has limited the fall in employment since 2008 to 11%, but the reduction is much greater than that of the economy as a whole (-3%).

Likewise, the productivity of the media sector in Spain systematically presents values ​​below the community average, around 20%. This low productivity affects the different subsectors that make up the media, but especially the publishing of newspapers and magazines, with a gap of 29% less compared to the European Union (EU), and radio and TV programming (-31 %).

Compared to the EU, in Spain the greater importance of radio and television programming and broadcasting stands out -three points more in gross value added and seven in employment- and the lesser of the edition of newspapers -nine points less- and magazines -11 less-. On this point, the BBVA Foundation points out that the general trend is “a reduction in the weight of publishing and magazines and the gains of subsectors such as news agencies and information portals”.

On the other hand, around 80% of those employed in the media sector have higher education. In addition, more than 80% perform occupations classified as highly qualified, a figure that rose to 87% in 2020 because the adjustment during Covid-19 fell, to a greater extent, on low-skilled workers.

The study also highlights that close to 80% of employees have a permanent contract and 12% of those employed have a part-time contract. It also highlights that there has been a rise in self-employed workers, who represent 14% of the employed, influenced by the change in labor relations that digitization has brought about.

#Employment #media #falls #years

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