Employment: the programs of the 2022 presidential candidates

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Should the French work longer to preserve our pension system? Or should we work less, to preserve our health? Should we give a (big) boost to the minimum wage, so that low-income workers can benefit from a significant gain in purchasing power? Or should we rather focus on load reductions?

It is written that the question of employment will never be treated like the others in a presidential campaign. It once again divides the candidates very widely, thus devoting very varied company models.

Nathalie Arthaud’s proposals

  • Bring the minimum wage to 2000 euros net per month
  • Increase wages by at least 300 euros
  • Reduce weekly working time
  • Repeal the unemployment insurance reform
  • Promise the same rights to all employees, put an end to “disposable contracts”
  • Prohibit layoffs

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s proposals

  • Increase wages by 8% By lowering contributions. No rise in the minimum wage
  • Tax exemption for overtime charges
  • Discourage companies from abusing the use of precarious contracts by setting them a specific scale

Anne Hidalgo’s proposals

  • Repeal the unemployment insurance reform
  • Increase the minimum wage by 15%
  • Obtain wage increases through collective bargaining
  • Encourage companies to move towards reducing working time without affecting the legal duration
  • Increase to 50% the share of employee directors on the boards of directors of companies with more than 1,000 employees, and to 33% below
  • Establish a presumption of employment for workers on digital platforms
  • Recognizing burnout as an occupational disease

Yannick Jadot’s proposals

  • Repeal the unemployment insurance reform
  • Bring the minimum wage to 1,500 euros at the end of the five-year term
  • Implement national conferences to negotiate salary scales
  • Reduce working time by creating a “time bank”
  • Strengthen the presence of employees in corporate governance
  • Penalize short contracts
  • Recognizing burnout as an occupational disease

Jean Lassalle’s proposals

  • Bring the minimum wage to 1400 euros

Marine Le Pen’s proposals

  • Do not raise the minimum wage but lower contributions
  • Exempt a 10% salary increase from employer contributions

Emmanuel Macron’s proposals

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposals

  • Repeal the unemployment insurance reform and compensate the unemployed according to their last salary
  • Increase the minimum wage to 1400 euros
  • Open wage negotiations through branch agreements
  • Introduce a sixth week of paid vacation
  • Go to 32 hours for arduous and night jobs
  • Increase the first 4 overtime hours by 25%, and 50% beyond
  • Introduce a vote of no confidence in companies for employees
  • Establish a right of first refusal for employees in the event of the sale of a company
  • Set a quota of 5 to 10% of precarious contracts in companies
  • Recognizing burnout as an occupational disease

Valérie Pécresse’s proposals

  • Continue the reform of unemployment insurance by increasing the degressivity of benefits after six months
  • Increase wages by 10% up to 2.2 minimum wage
  • Make labor law more flexible by, for example, removing the penalty on short contracts
  • Put an end to the 35 hours, liberalize working time through branch or company agreements

Philippe Poutou’s proposals

  • Introduce a sixth week of paid vacation
  • Create a minimum monthly income of 1800 euros
  • Increase all income by 400 euros
  • Reduce working time to 32 hours in 4 days

Fabien Roussel’s proposals

  • Repeal the unemployment insurance reform
  • Increase the minimum wage to 1500 euros net
  • Offer employees a right of first refusal in the event of the sale of their company
  • Grant workers on digital platforms all the guarantees enshrined in the Labor Code

Eric Zemmour’s proposals

  • Increase wages by lowering social taxes
  • Tax exemption for overtime and bonuses up to three months of net salary

Methodology: for each of your answers, our simulator gives you more or less points compared to each candidate. At the end of the questionnaire, we offer you a list of candidates, starting with the one with whom you have the most points of agreement on all the questions asked. This “ranking” is obviously to be taken as an indication, given that it is not exhaustive, even if we have ensured the variety of questions. To give you a definitive opinion, we invite you in particular to consult all the programs of the candidates. You can find them here or on official sites.

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