Empowering Communities: Sassari’s Mayor Launches Initiative for Periphery Improvement and Engagement

by time news

“A pact to ensure full citizenship for those living in the most peripheral areas, too often forgotten or neglected, collaborating to make every neighborhood more livable, safer, and more efficient, capable of fostering the growth of that community spirit from which greater care for public spaces and for the people we live closely with can arise.” This is the operational proposal launched by the mayor of Sassari, Giuseppe Mascia, from Santa Maria di Pisa and Latte Dolce.

Accompanied by the deputy mayor and councilor for Ecological Transition, Tore Dau, the councilor for Housing Policies, Patrizia Mercuri, the councilor for Mobility Infrastructures, Massimo Rizzu, the head of the Cabinet, Fabio Pinna, and the city councilor Gianluigi Onida, Mascia met yesterday afternoon with a representative group of citizens living in the social housing buildings owned by the Municipality, between Via Paganini, Via Monteverdi, and Via Bottego. During the inspection, which aimed to firsthand witness the emergencies long denounced by the affected individuals, the mayor assured his and the administration’s utmost commitment to address the most evident problems, which have persisted for many years. In exchange, he asked for and received full willingness for dialogue and discussion, as happens between people and institutions pursuing the same goals.

Infiltrations, humidity, structural problems, dangerous railings: the tour of the distortions characterizing the municipal condominiums allowed for the observation of a long list of issues, including the state of abandonment of some external areas that could, on the contrary, host playgrounds for children or social spaces for tenants. With a great sense of community and belonging to the neighborhood, the delegation that welcomed the mayor made itself available to Mascia to draw up a precise and detailed list of problems and things to do, in order to establish responsibilities and competencies and, above all, to find ways to resolve the critical issues together with the offices of the relevant sectors.

“This is just the first step; we intend to use every useful tool to involve the community in the choices that lie ahead,” says Mascia. “First of all, we will visit all the neighborhoods – he announces – because it is fundamental for our fellow citizens to perceive the administration as close and present.” Also because the objective is the same. “We want to work together with anyone who cares about the city and wants to contribute to making it better – concludes the mayor – from houses to squares, we work to spread care and respect for public spaces, only in this way is it possible to ensure equal dignity to every part of the municipal territory.”

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