End of life, working groups that brew large

by time news

Without waiting for the installation of the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life, scheduled for December 9, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo and Olivier Véran, the two ministers responsible for leading the great national debate announced on September 13 by President Macron, are multiplying consultations with stakeholders.

Thursday, November 3, at 9 a.m., the duo must bring together the second working group on the subject, namely around thirty health professionals expected on avenue Duquesne, at Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and the Professions health. An appointment which follows the launch, last week, of the “transpartisan contact group” with parliamentarians which was held, this time, at Olivier Véran, Minister Delegate for Democratic Renewal.

“The objective of these consultations, which will take place until March, in parallel with the work carried out by the Citizens’ Convention, is to allow all opinions and all opinions to be heard insofar as they are expressed without excesses »underlines the office of Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo.

LR shuns the transpartisan working group

To ensure this plurality of points of view, the invitations issued to the world of care as well as to that of politics are broad. Thus, the group of health professionals should include both hospital doctors and general practitioners in the city, but also nurses, nursing auxiliaries, pharmacists or occupational therapists. “The Minister is very attached to ensuring that this group is as representative as possible and that there are no big ones and small ones”underlines the ministry.

Likewise, the “contact group” with parliamentarians, made up of two representatives appointed by each political group – eight in the Senate and ten in the National Assembly – is supposed to reflect the diversity of positions among the deputies and senators, which can sometimes transcend political affiliations.

The first meeting of this “transpartisan group”, Wednesday, October 26, was marked by a first hiccup with the defection of Les Républicains representatives in the Senate and the Assembly. An absence that Olivier Marleix, boss of the LR deputies, justified, arguing that he had not received a card. ” What is wrong. Everyone has been invited and is welcome around the table”replies the cabinet of Olivier Véran.

“Bridges” with the citizens’ convention

In the entourage of the two ministers, we try above all to emphasize the major themes that Olivier Véran and Agnès Firmin Le Bodo wish to bring to the public debate. “First, the necessary strengthening of palliative care to ensure equitable access throughout the country; then informing citizens to clear up the confusion that reigns on the subject; finally, the accompaniment of caregivers, before and after the bereavement »we insist at the Ministry of Health.

To better understand the difficulties and expectations of families who have experienced accompanying a loved one towards death, a third working group bringing together user associations was planned. “We are not giving up on this consultation, but rather than bringing everyone together around the table, we preferred to organize bilateral meetings, to allow more in-depth exchanges”specifies the cabinet of Olivier Véran, who is still working to establish a list and a calendar for these meetings.

It also remains to be clarified how these governmental consultations will be articulated with the work of the Convention itself, to avoid the risk of cacophony. “The 150 citizens drawn by lot must be able to debate autonomously and independently. There is therefore no question of the government guiding their work., specify the ministerial advisers. They do not, however, rule out that he may “to exist bridges between the ministries and the Convention if the latter so wishes. The final objective is to provide a set of solid and reasoned contributions to the executive, which will be the only one to decide whether or not to change the law. »

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