Endless chaos: the power struggle in the US House of Representatives is entering the next round

by time news

The power struggle in the US Congress for the highest office in the American Parliament is entering the next round: after three days of electoral chaos and five more unsuccessful rounds of voting on the presidency of the House of Representatives, the chamber has adjourned the session to Friday (6:00 p.m. CET)

McCarthy: failed in 11 ballots

Republican candidate Kevin McCarthy has already failed eleven ballots in the past few days due to an internal party rebellion. A historical embarrassment for the 57-year-old: Since the 19th century, the members of the House of Representatives have not needed so many attempts to elect a new chairman.

The 20 renegades, denounced as terrorists or the “20 Taliban” by moderate Republicans, again nominated an opposing candidate, Republican Congressman Byron Donalds.

One of the 20 renegade Republicans who are most critical of McCarthy, Congressman Matt Gaetz from Florida, even symbolically gave his vote to ex-President Donald Trump. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of parliament known for conspiracy theories, congratulates her party colleague on this.

Deal with the Democrats as a last resort?

Negotiations are going on behind the scenes with the radical right fringe of the Republican faction. McCarthy said Thursday night after the meeting, “We’re making good progress.” He wasn’t more specific.

The Republican faction leader once again tried to downplay the internal revolt against him and denied that the uprising in his own ranks weakened him. Referring to the historical scope of the drama, he said, “I like making history.” He also holds the record for the longest speech in the House of Representatives.

The Democrats voted again for Hakeem Jeffries, who has received the most votes in every ballot so far, but also missed the necessary majority. For McCarthy, a deal with the Democrats may be the last resort. So far, it doesn’t appear that he will withdraw his candidacy so that the House of Representatives can finally start work.

Anniversary of the Storming of the Capitol

The chaotic state of affairs in American democracy comes at a time when the country is remembering the unprecedented attack on the US Capitol. The brutal attack on the seat of parliament marks the second anniversary this Friday.

On January 6, 2021, supporters of then President Donald Trump violently stormed the Congress building in the capital Washington. Congress met there to formally confirm the victory of Democrat Biden in the presidential election. Trump had previously incited his supporters in a speech that he had been deprived of a victory by massive election fraud. Five people died as a result of the riots.

President Biden, who took office shortly after the attack, plans to hold a ceremony in the White House this Friday to commemorate the outbreak of violence and to award several police officers for their service that day.

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