endometriosis, tomorrow free Ecm webinar Artemisia Onlus

by time news

Endometriosis and adenomyosis are extremely widespread diseases, affecting 10-15% of women of reproductive age and affecting about 30-50% of women who are infertile or have difficulty conceiving. On the subject Artemisia Onlus organizes a free webinar, entitled “Endometriosis: causes, diagnosis and innovative clinical practices”, which will be held tomorrow April 15 from 17:00 to 20:00 and which is worth 4.5 Ecm credits. In particular, the course of Fad Artemisia Onlus wants to examine the aspects of the disease under every profile, bringing practical cases and results obtained and involves leading exponents of the scientific and academic world and professionals with experience in the field. The most up-to-date medical-scientific studies and data will be illustrated, useful for orienting the most relevant mechanisms, known to date, at the basis of pathological processes.

Organized with the participation of Rotary and the unconditional contribution of Biomec, Ambra electron and Elkmed Ebs, the seminar is accredited by Ecm for surgeons, psychologists, biologists, physiotherapists, obstetricians, radiology technicians and nurses and wants to offer “another opportunity for study and comparison of transversal interest thanks to an interdisciplinary and advanced training program “.

The program includes the interventions of Mariastella Giorlandino – President of Artemisia Onlus; Giovambattista Mollicone – 2080 Rotary District Governor; Giuseppe Florio, scientific director of the course – Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychoneuroimmunologist, 2nd level Master in Andrology and Seminology; Erica Bassetti – Medical Director of the Umberto I Polyclinic Radiology Institute in Rome; Antonio Di Mauro – Biologist, Nutritionist, Ph.D. UOC Endocrinology and Diabetology; Expert in Psychoneurobiology; Stefania Grande – Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics; Lecturer at the University of La Sapienza, Rome; Carla Lendaro – Surgeon, Psychoneuroimmunologist, 2nd level Master in Neuro Psycho Physiopathology and Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization, 2nd level Master in Stress, Sport and Nutrition: New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for wellness, fitness, prevention and rehabilitation; Scientific director of Ambra Elektron Italian Association of Biophysics for the Study of Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine; Alfonso Rossetti – Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics; Expert in Laparoscopic Surgery of Endometriosis; Elena Stella – Psychologist and Psychotherapist; Silvia Vitale – Physiotherapist, Osteopath; President of the Torre Preziosa Tensegrity Onlus Association.

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