The boy “En En” in Zhonghe District of New Taipei City died of Wuhan pneumonia. “En En”‘s father and resigned firefighter Zhang Jinwei accused the New Taipei City Fire Department of the flawed first aid procedures, and sued New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi and city officials for negligence For death and other crimes, Hou Youyi and others were not prosecuted, and Enen’s father asked for further discussion. The High Prosecutor’s Office judged that there was no reason for renegotiation, and it was rejected today (19), and Hou Youyi and other 4 people were confirmed not to prosecute.

The whole case started when a 2-year-old boy named “En En” in Zhonghe District, New Taipei City died of the epidemic in April last year. En En’s father questioned whether he followed the government’s epidemic prevention policy and requested to be sent to the hospital. The Fire Emergency Response Guidelines set by the Fire Department were not in line. The family members were required to confirm through the health unit that there was a dedicated ward for patients before sending them to the hospital. In addition, the New Taipei City Fire Department did not establish an effective communication mechanism with the Health Bureau. It took 81 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. As a result, Enen died without being rescued in time.

Enen’s father charged Hou Youyi, then New Taipei City Fire Chief Huang Deqing, and Sanitation Director Chen Runqiu for negligent death. Zhang Jinwei accused Huang Deqing, Chen Runqiu and Li Yusong, then director of the Disaster Rescue and Rescue Command Center, of committing a crime of abolishing the criminal law and causing a disaster. The New Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office concluded its investigation in February, and believed that the fire department’s standard operating procedures for various cases in the Command Center on June 3, 2011 and the flow chart for handling suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients were decided by Li Yusong, and there was no evidence to identify Hou Youyi and others. Three people participated in the planning or design of the hospital delivery process in advance.

Prosecutors pointed out that the process of sending Enen to the hospital was layered and responsible, and the actual handlers were the front-line duty personnel, which had nothing to do with Hou Youyi and the other three people. There was no evidence to confirm that the design of the relevant system or the delay in sending him to the hospital had anything to do with Enen’s death. Due to the causal relationship, it is difficult to admit that Hou Youyi and other three persons should be liable for the death penalty due to negligence, and they will be given a sanction of non-prosecution. Even if the formulation of relevant policies, administrative decrees, planning of medical treatment procedures, and human resource allocation, even if there are insufficient thoroughness, it should be a matter of administrative or political responsibility and should not be punished by criminal responsibility.

As for the three people including Huang Deqing who were accused of committing the crime of abolishing their duties and causing disasters, the prosecution alleges that, in addition to the fact that civil servants have been abolished and the result of a disaster, the so-called “disaster” refers to the damage to the lives, property, and bodies of the majority of the public after the disaster occurs. , if only a small number of people suffer damage, it cannot be called a disaster, and there is no prosecution. Enen’s father refused to accept it and appealed to the Taiwan Higher Prosecutor’s Office for reconsideration. After being reviewed by the High Prosecutor’s Office, they agreed with the prosecution’s legal opinion and pointed out that Enen’s father’s petition for reconsideration was groundless, and the reconsideration was rejected. The four Hou Youyi were confirmed not to prosecute.

Enen’s father said today (19th) that today is the first anniversary of Enen’s departure, but it is a pity that he still cannot find out the truth, nor can he wait for an apology, “I am so tired of waiting”, but Hou Youyi is going to Singapore promotes municipal administration, “Is it to promote how to build an 81-minute ambulance?” Photo: Lin Yunzhen/photo (file photo)