Energy crisis: only 8% of industrial companies plan to downsize

by time news

Posted Dec 16 2022 at 7:25 amUpdated Dec 16. 2022 at 9:22 am

For weeks, French industry has been sounding the alarm about the potentially devastating effects of the energy crisis. Faced with this shock, INSEE has sought to identify companies’ exposure to soaring gas and electricity prices as well as the way in which they plan to react . The results of its survey carried out in November and published on Thursday are relatively reassuring in the short term.

In industry, more than half of the companies surveyed (56%) certainly find themselves today in the uncomfortable situation where they risk suffering a sudden price increase because of their contract: either it is about to expire. at the end of 2022, or during the year 2023, “which potentially exposes them to a significant increase in market prices”, explains INSEE.

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