Energy drinks in the spotlight: is it dangerous to consume them?

by time news

2023-10-25 11:58:00

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Recently, the Xunta de Galicia has launched a proposed standard that seeks limit the consumption of energy drinks among minors. This movement is not an isolated action; other autonomous communities have decided to study this issue.

Taurine could be the key to delaying aging

For its part, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) had already raised alarms about the increase in the consumption of these drinks among adolescents.

The misleading benefits

energy drinks They do not provide more “energy” than calories derived from sugars that contain. The usual ingredients of these products include, in addition to sugar, caffeine, taurine, and a series of other components such as L-carnitine, glucuronolactone, guarana, ginseng and B vitamins. Although a sporadic consumption and in small amounts may not be harmful to healthy individuals, people with psychiatric, cardiological and metabolic conditions should avoid them.

The situation worsens with continued consumption. A 2011 study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) highlights that a 12% of European minors between 10 and 18 years old are “chronic high” consumers: that is, they drink these drinks 4 to 5 times a week or more, which results in an average volume of 7 liters per month. In addition, a similar percentage identified themselves as “very acute” consumers, which represents an intake of at least one liter on each occasion.

Short and long term repercussions: insomnia and stress

It was already known that energy drinks, rich in caffeine and other stimulants, negatively affect the functions of blood vessels. However, the latest findings go further. These reveal that Just One Can Could Raise Both Blood Pressure and Cortisol Levelsthe stress hormone, among other adverse effects.

Studies show a worrying decreased dilation of blood vessels In the people analyzed: before consuming the drink, the average dilation was 5.1% and fell to 2.8% just an hour and a half later. This change suggests a acute damage to vascular functionwhich could be related to a mixture of ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, sugar and other herbs that affect the endothelium, the lining of blood vessels.

Although one caffeine overdose It does not always result in a fatal situation, but it can lead to serious symptoms such as palpitations, nausea, vomiting, seizures, metabolic acidosis and increased blood pressure. Furthermore, it has been observed an increased risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in adults who consume this type of beverage.

And, although an energy drink could have an amount of caffeine comparable to several cups of coffee, the consumption speed becomes a critical factor. Unlike energy drinks, coffee is drunk hot and usually more slowly, reducing the cardiovascular impact.

Besides, A study conducted in Germany documents that since 2002, energy drinks have been responsible for a variety of serious medical conditions, from liver damage to heart failure and death. And in the same way, an analysis of the journal Pediatrics in 2011 warns of the particular risk for young people, emphasizing that they not only face cardiac and metabolic dangers, but also an alarming intake of sugar.

Faced with all this scientific evidence, perhaps prohibition is not the solution, but without a doubt we must face these products with the same caution with which we should confront tobacco or alcohol.

#Energy #drinks #spotlight #dangerous #consume

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