‌Energy prices: the city of Hayange saves 526,000 euros thanks to an error by Engie

by time news

The municipality of Hayange (Moselle) benefited from an incredible tariff error which enabled it to save more than half a million euros. That is the equivalent of nearly 40% of the installation program for led lights across this working-class city!

“Originally, Engie Cofely, our energy supplier, made a material error by applying to us the tariff reserved for individuals for an eight-year contract”, specifies Fabien Engelmann, the mayor (RN). When in the spring of 2022, Engie Cofely realized the error in the terms of the contract, it demanded from the municipality the differential saved since 2017, i.e. 526,000 euros, as well as a sum of interest of 100,000 euros to compensate loss for several years.

New contract at the right price, but without paying the arrears

Refusal of the town hall of Hayange, which hides behind the signing of the contract. And, in parallel, seizes the regulatory commission, whose mission is to ensure the proper functioning and regulation of the energy market. “Engie threatened to sue us before the administrative court,” says Fabien Engelmann. We said : OK go ahead if you want. We have the right for us, and we will know how to advertise this case! »

The two parties managed to establish an agreement after negotiation: the contract between Engie and the city of Hayange was therefore regularized in autumn 2022 (until 2025) with, since this date, application of the tariff provided for local authorities , less interesting than that of individuals. But without the town hall having to pay the 526,000 euros in return…

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