Energy savings: France is considering an over-the-counter energy market for businesses

by time news

The government is considering the possibility of establishing an over-the-counter energy market between companies. They could thus resell among themselves what they have not consumed on the model of the rights to emit CO2 in Europe, indicated on Monday the Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure.

“We are looking to see if we can take inspiration from systems that already exist for what are called ETS, that is to say the rights to emit CO2,” he told BFM Business. The European carbon market aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, also called an emissions trading system or a tradable emissions system (Emissions Trading Schemes, ETS), provides for manufacturers to receive or buy emissions that they can exchange with each other.

This system could be applied “to manufacturers who are used to using this kind of instrument” in order to “limit gas consumption”, he specified, stressing nevertheless that it was only at the ” exploratory level” on the subject.

“We are giving ourselves a few weeks to explore all the instruments available” in order to reduce gas and electricity consumption in the country, added Roland Lescure. “In September and early October, we will put in place instruments that will reduce consumption in a slightly more restrictive way if we have to succeed. “.

Call to limit the temperature to 19°C in the tertiary sector

“In the meantime, we hope that we will do most of the effort alone, on our own,” insisted the member of the government, specifying that he believed in “individual responsibility” and in “mobilization general” to save energy while avoiding “shutdown of factories”.

Citing the example of furnaces in the glass industry, where “the gas supply cannot be stopped”, he wanted the tertiary sector to “do its job” and reduce temperatures everywhere to 19°C to save energy. ‘energy.

France has set itself the goal of reducing its energy consumption by 10% in two years. “If we applied the law today (on temperature limits in offices and administration for example), we would save 14 terawatts/hours of gas”, or “almost what we want to do”.

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