Energy sobriety, a feeling of deja vu

by time news

Reducing energy consumption by more than 10% in two years: this is the objective set by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, according to a press release published on Monday 1is august. Development of photovoltaics, gradual generalization of very low-consumption LED lighting, reinforcement of thermal insulation or even encouraging agents to use soft mobility and videoconferencing…

Like all administrations, Bercy is stepping up measures, just as the French are invited to do, in the face of the risk of shortages linked to the war in Ukraine and in fear of a cut in the supply of Russian gas to the ‘fall. “When you go away for the weekend and on vacation, you unplug as many electrical outlets as possible, and in particular you unplug your Wi-Fi […] we turn the air conditioning down a bit and then, of course, we turn off the lights when we’re not using the rooms”recommended, paternally, the government spokesperson, Olivier Véran, on July 20.

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In the line of sight: France’s energy “sobriety”. While Emmanuel Macron announced an “energy sobriety plan” during his interview on July 14, the term is on everyone’s lips: from the ranks of the government, with the launch by Elisabeth Borne of several working groups on the question , to the most polluting companies, like TotalEnergies, Engie and EDF, who have called for a “exceptional sobriety” in a column published in the Sunday newspaperJune 25.

Waste hunting

The current campaign to raise awareness of energy savings is reminiscent of that carried out in the 1970s. After the two oil shocks (in 1973 and 1979), France, then 85% dependent on the Organization of oil exporters (OPEC), must reduce its consumption. To achieve this, during their presidency, Georges Pompidou then Valéry Giscard d’Estaing carried out two parallel policies: one of discourse, calling for savings, and another, more structural, of development of nuclear power and diversification of energy sources..

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“Let’s save gas, electricity, heating… and that will be enough to reduce our consumption”, already recommended Georges Pompidou, almost fifty years ago. Appearance of speed limits on motorways, removal of unnecessary public lighting, reduction of heating in homes, cessation of television broadcasts after 11 p.m.… the hunt for waste is on. “The slogans of the time like “In France, we don’t have oil, but we have ideas”, had a real effect on the French. Everyone wanted to do their part of the work and reduce their energy consumption, even on an ad hoc basis”analyzes Alain Beltran, emeritus research director at the CNRS.

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