Energy sobriety: soon a temperature police?

by time news

According to information taken from an article in the September 7, 2022 issue of Le Canard enchaîné, the government is planning to create a temperature police in companies to ensure that the ambient temperature is at 19 degrees in the building. enclosure of the office in company. The government nevertheless announced following these revelations that it did not plan to implement this measure, mentioned in the Defense Council. For the moment ?

Indeed, according to this source, among several avenues discussed during the Energy Defense Council of September 2, Bruno Lemaire and his Minister Delegate for Industry Roland Lescure would have proposed “the establishment of a temperature police” in order to control the temperature in companies. “Clearly, a licensed official would be responsible for controlling the temperature in companies”can we read.

According to Bercy, if the state does not exert constraint on the companies, they will not respect the limitations which would force the government to ration.

However, Emmanuel Macron would have opposed this idea, arguing that it would be too reminiscent of covid measures and even declaring: “It is out of the question to send people to measure the temperature”. However, he toned down his statement by maintaining that it would be possible to consider this « temperature font » within the administration, but not in companies.

Asked Wednesday morning, Roland Lescure ruled out this possibility. ” No, we won’t put a law enforcement officer behind every thermostat,” specifies the member of the government on BFMTV.

Read also: A new Energy Defense Council: another forced passage?

Lines of thought which have aroused the anger of several political leaders like Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, who judges this kind of measure like the « world after » by Emmanuel Macron.

For his part, the president of the Patriots, Florian Philippot, denounced a new « tyrannical madness ».

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