Engine head | wheels

by time news

An engine head is one of the parts of the engine, otherwise it is the heart of the vehicle and the component responsible for supplying energy for the normal operation of the vehicle. The engine consists of an engine block, an engine head gasket and an engine head. The engine block is actually the engine body, the large engine unit made of metal with cylinders and valves.

What is an engine head?

The engine has a cover made of an aluminum alloy, this is an engine head. The function of the engine head is to cover and seal the cylinders and valves, and also to hold them in place during the vigorous activity of the engine.

Engine head faults

A malfunction in the operation of the engine head may disrupt the operation of the entire engine, disabling the drive and the vehicle from moving.

The first and common malfunction is when the operating temperature in the engine is not as high as usual, as a result of damage to the sealing of the internal engine components by the engine head. In this situation, combustion and energy are created that are ineffective for the vehicle’s operation. In addition, a dangerous situation is created in which the water and oil in the engine may mix together.

The second common fault is when the engine overheats, resulting in damage to the engine head.

How do you recognize that there is a problem with the engine head?

There are several signs that should alert you to a malfunction or disruption in the operation of the engine head. For example, damage to the engine head gasket, overheating of the engine and a warning light that lights up on the dashboard as a result, coolant that runs out frequently even though it is refilled repeatedly, thick white smoke and/or drops of water coming out of the vehicle’s exhaust, all of these are signs of a malfunction or wear in the engine head .

Engine head replacement or engine head overhaul?

The first question that is asked when there is a problem with an engine head is whether it is worth replacing an engine head or repairing an engine head? And if you are renovating, how long does an engine head overhaul last?

In order to answer these questions, we will first address the issue of what is the cost of replacing an engine head versus the cost of refurbishing an engine head:

Engine head – price

The cost of replacing an engine head ranges from NIS 8,000-4,500, depending on the type of engine and the manufacturer’s model.

Engine head overhaul – price

The cost of repairing an engine head ranges from NIS 5,000-2,500, depending on the type of engine, the vehicle model and the scope of work involved in the repair.

So what do you decide?

If so, it can be seen that both options, both engine head overhaul and engine head replacement, involve very high costs and an investment of several thousand shekels. So, how do you decide which is better?

In cases where a lot of damage has been caused to the engine head, which requires a large financial investment in renovation, or when the engine has accumulated many kilometers in its life, or when it is a very old vehicle but you want to enjoy it for an additional period of time, these are the situations in which we recommend replacing the engine head and not refurbishing.

Replacing an engine head can be done in several ways: choosing an engine from a local disassembly, or, an engine imported directly from a disassembly from abroad, or a completely new engine, which is also the most expensive option of all.

On the other hand, you should choose the alternative of refurbishing the engine head if the damage is relatively small. In this case, the auto mechanic will examine the extent of the damage and adjust the engine head repair. Engine head overhaul can include repairing cracks or defects in the engine head, replacing coolant and engine oil, welding the engine head, replacing valves and rubbers, and more. If necessary, the mechanic can also use an engine head repair compound, which is used to seal cracks and defects.

Engine head gasket

Between the engine head and the engine block (engine body) there is another component called the engine head gasket. An engine head gasket is a component made of rubber designed to seal the space created between the two parts. As time goes by, a head gasket can wear out due to the high temperature conditions around it in the engine during use.

How do you recognize that there is a problem with the engine head gasket?

If you have noticed that the engine consumes more engine oil than usual, or that the engine oil has changed its natural color, or that the vehicle does not pull and accelerate as usual, these are all signs that you have a problem with a worn or damaged engine head gasket. In this case, the car mechanic will recommend you to replace the engine head gasket.

Engine head gasket – price

The cost of an engine head gasket ranges from a few tens of shekels to a few hundred shekels, depending on the vehicle model and the quality of the part. In addition to the cost of the component, the labor cost will be added. Replacing an engine head gasket involves complex and sensitive work on the engine that can take several hours, and increase the total cost you will pay for the treatment and the part.

In conclusion, it can be understood that the last thing we all want to hear from our mechanic is: “Your car’s engine head has gone.” So what can we do to prevent this from happening?
Natural wear and tear of the engine parts is not really under our control. On the other hand, there are some things that are true: you pay attention to early signs that indicate a malfunction or defect in the engine, pay attention to warning lights that light up on the car’s dashboard and go to the garage for a check-up, take the car in for periodic maintenance on time and pay attention to regular and preventive maintenance. Safe driving!

Did you have an engine overheating warning light come on? Come in and book an appointment at the garage today >

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