Engine of Africa’s Development – ​​Independent Congo

by time news

2023-05-21 19:40:01

Tongele N. Tongele

Congolese professors and intellectuals from all over the DR Congo have, for a year and a half (2022-2023), brainstormed and written down practical and transformative ideas to build a more beautiful Congo than before. Each author can be contacted directly from this book. The 15 chapters of this masterpiece chart the path that the Congolese people can and should follow to offer the African continent and humanity a human renewal in the face of the platitude of decadent communism, socialism and capitalism. Despite the vagaries of history which have caused the Congolese people to lose awareness of their destiny and of the role they are called upon to play in the history of humanity, and have falsely identified with the caricature in which he finds himself, the authors show that the Congolese people are capable of pulling themselves together and being reborn. This rebirth is not a take-it-or-leave-it choice, but rather a necessity for the fulfillment of one’s own destiny and the mission assigned to it by fate. This renaissance necessarily involves genius, youth and the Congolese intellectual to transform the immense natural resources of the DR Congo into finished products on the spot in order to boost prosperity and peace in the DR Congo and in Africa, and contribute to resilience. environment of planet earth.

Starting from the different facets of the reality experienced in the DR Congo, the authors make this clear to young people, intellectuals, leaders, and the populations of the DR Congo and Africa: look inside yourselves, and take time to listen to the voice of your conscience; you will discover that you are more and better than what you think you are. You will find that you are underestimating yourself, and you are underusing your own extraordinary talents, assets and abilities for happy and healthy transformation of your own lives and the lives of those around you. You will discover that each of you was born by destiny, having a destiny to accomplish, so that the DR Congo, Africa, can play its true role on planet earth.

The book in fact answers the following questions: what is the fate of the DR Congo, a large country located in the heart of Africa, surrounded by nine neighboring countries, full of abundant human resources and stuffed with immense natural resources including planet earth needs for its future? What the Congolese people as a nation organized in socio-political and administrative structures must and should do to achieve the destiny of this country? What are concrete examples of what the Congolese people, their intellectuals and leaders must and should be doing for the development of this country?

The authors insist that each inhabitant of the DR Congo was born in one of the rare countries in the world which are extremely rich. There is therefore no reason to steal or divert or corrupt and be corrupted to live better in DR Congo. You simply have to get to work, think, reflect, imagine, innovate, create production units, alone or in small groups, as a team, to prosper and live well. Those who have the responsibility of governing the DR Congo must and should do their job transparently and with patriotic passion, in order to prosper honestly and deserve the respect and honor of the Congolese people. They must and should set up concrete action programs to mobilize and motivate populations to create production units on their own in order to live well and with dignity. In fact, the inhabitants of the DR Congo are destined to become processors of the immense natural resources of this country into finished products in order to prosper and make this country the engine of scientific, technological and industrial development in Africa.

The book is really rich, because the ideas and themes developed in this book are practical, motivational and transformational; among others:

1) The destiny of the DR Congo in Africa and in the world that only the Congolese people can and must accomplish instead of waiting for the miracle from outside;

2) How the Congolese youth, from generation to generation, must imagine and actualize this destiny by reading and writing books on the various aspects and methods of development of the country;

3) How Congolese intellectuals must stop complaining in order to create new ideas and solutions, and create mechanisms to be implemented for the development of the country, through agro-industrial and entrepreneurial activities in their villages, towns and cities;

4) How Congolese men and women must use their conscience and their inner strength to reject the instinct of survival at the expense of each other that is rooted in, and stimulates, corruption and mediocrity, in order to embark on creation companies, enterprises and factories to transform the immense natural resources of the country into finished products on the spot, stem unemployment, eliminate poverty, and live with dignity;

5) How Congolese political leaders should use their talents and skills to reflect and set up concrete action programs to enable the national army of the DR Congo to immediately crush any attack on national integrity, and to support people to create production units in their villages, neighborhoods, towns and cities, in order to produce what they need locally, to become prosperous and to live with dignity;

6) How the Congolese populations of villages, towns and cities must stop supporting political leaders simply because they are from their tribes, provinces or villages, but rather continually ask the following question to each political leader: “what are your plans concrete actions to support us in our efforts to improve living conditions in our communities? »

7) How should we make Congolese music an instrument for mobilizing development and projecting this development beyond national borders;

8) How the peoples of the Great Lakes must recognize their interdependence to make it an instrument of development instead of falling into the traps of “mentally ill” leaders who divide and oppose them, and as a result they kill each other for no reason, and end up weakening the entire Great Lakes region as well as the African continent.

In conclusion, every Congolese and Congolese must always bear in mind that their actions must and should never betray the homeland, or they are curses that they are accumulating on themselves and their family for crumbs of fleeting survival. The DR Congo is so rich that it is madness or pure and simple animality to live by corruption, embezzlement and theft. All you have to do in DR Congo is to think and imagine how to create production units to prosper and live well. That’s not the case today. The present generation must take up the challenge of good governance and excellence to create an environment that leads to the rebirth of the country. It is each generation that must lay its building block on the background of the work of the predecessors, and leave room for the following generations to continue with the work of construction and development of the DR Congo.

Tongele N. Tongele, Ph.D.
Doctor in mechanical engineering and university professor in the USA
Co-author and director of the book
[email protected]



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#Engine #Africas #Development #Independent #Congo

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