Enrique Pita, vice president of the CNE of Ecuador: “People came out to vote despite the insecurity” | He talks about the rigorous regime of monetary sanctions for polling station authorities and voters who do not fulfill their civic duty.

by time news

2023-10-22 01:39:23

From Quito

The elections in Ecuador preceded those in Argentina by a week. Enrique Pita, a civil engineer by profession, is vice president of the National Electoral Council (CNE) that validated the victory of Daniel Noboa as a presidential candidate. Página/12 interviewed him about how the elections were developed, the violent political-social context in which they were held, the particularities of the electronic system, the rigorous regime of monetary sanctions for polling station authorities and voters who do not fulfill their civic duty and the vote in our country this Sunday.

– How do you analyze the process that occurred in Ecuador between the first and second rounds that gave Noboa the victory over Luisa González, from Revolución Ciudadana?

– For the National Electoral Council, it was very satisfactory that in the first round as in the second, the process developed peacefully, without significant setbacks that could alarm citizens regarding incidents that affect the result. Both the attendance of citizens on the first occasion and on October 15, as well as those who were appointed members of the vote receiving boards, has been positive. It should be noted that there were only isolated, marginal incidents. In short, there was too much peace and tranquility.

In other words, a reality that does not commiserate with what is mentioned about Ecuador abroad and the rates of violence and crime that the country has, including the murder of a presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio?

– Of course, the important thing is to highlight that, because even in the first electoral round there were already situations that could alarm citizens about going out to vote due to the distrust that they could be exposed to something. In the second round, even with a higher level of alert than on that occasion, citizens went out to vote. But what do I want to highlight?: in Ecuador, it is the armed forces that control security within the electoral precincts. They do not intervene in the process. And the police control the outside. It is all planning that has been carried out between the armed forces, the police and the CNE to prevent and take actions that could alarm or affect the process.

-How did you see the Ecuadorian electoral process in the regional context, and on the eve of the vote that will be held in Argentina?

-I think Ecuador was maturing and gaining experience. Unfortunately there is a lot of noise around creating distrust in the electoral function. And obviously in advancing criteria that could warn of alleged commitments of the CNE with candidates or political positions. But the transparency of the process on this occasion, even in the first round, shows that we work in a responsible way. It must be noted that in this country voting is mandatory. It is worth highlighting the fact that the members of the vote receiving boards are university students and although very isolated indelicate actions may occur, they have not been decisive. Finally, I want to highlight the fact that within a framework of insecurity that affects this country, people went out to vote, because they were determined to contribute with their vote and elect those who were going to be their constituents.

– If the situation in Ecuador were compared to Brazil, where a citizen can come to vote with party identification. How does it work here?

– People cannot come to vote with a party identification of any kind. Proselytizing activities are not allowed inside the electoral precincts. And unlike this, if I’m not mistaken, in Peru the voters carry the vote. Political organizations print the votes. Here the entire electoral package that has the votes, the minutes, the counting, all the electoral material is printed, in this case, by the Military Geographic Institute by order of the National Electoral Council in armored and closed packages. In such a way that there is no situation of arbitrariness regarding votes that are printed and that could appear anywhere.

– Does the technical electoral system have nothing that can be objected to?

– That’s right and the good news is that we have already come from several processes with this success in terms of reliable results, in terms of its development. Obviously it is not coincidental. This is on the one hand the experience we have, on the other the professional capacity of our officials and the support of international organizations that accredit delegates who accompany us in all instances. In the training of the same organization to see weak points and recommendations. Even in instances such as adjusting the software, the computer program regarding the different situations that could arise in any election.

– It is striking how rigorous the electoral system is with a table authority if he does not appear, is not trained or leaves before the vote, or if the citizen does not attend, even if he lives far from the electoral precincts as well. Where have you taken this model from?

-That’s been going on for a long time. This system of fines is applied first to people who do not come to vote, second to people who are members of vote receiving boards and who do not show up, and to those who, being authorities, show up and leave the function. And finally there is a fine for those who do not receive training, because this is very important since non-training can give rise to situations that affect the transparency of the process. Therefore, I think all this is necessary. Obviously there are many people who are dissatisfied with that. But within the custom with which we carry out the electoral process, people have already adapted and gotten used to the obligations.

– What is your reflection on the Argentine elections on Sunday the 22nd?

– Well, each country has the possibility of choosing its future through popular vote. And the only thing I have to say is to wish Argentina all the luck in the world regarding this process that is coming up and that they choose those who can direct the country’s destinies in an ideal, transparent way and that solve the serious problems that exist. your country currently has.

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