Environment: the series ‘The woods of Emilia-Romagna’ is born – Science and Technology

by times news cr

(ANSA) – BOLOGNA, 06 SEPTEMBER – A new editorial series is dedicated to the forest, a common good that covers 30% of the surface of Emilia-Romagna, a fundamental ally in the fight against climate change: “The forests of Emilia-Romagna”.
Seven information brochures offer a complete overview of the biodiversity and consistency of the regional tree heritage. The first volume, Introduction to the Woods of Emilia-Romagna, 54 pages long, opens the way to knowledge of the regional forest ecosystems and their multifunctional role. In particular, it offers an overview of the consistency and characteristics of the woods, illustrating their role and functions for the society of yesterday and today. The texts are by Martina Mainetti, Erica Mazza, Raoul Romano and Gabriele Locatelli. The other six publications will be printed and distributed by the end of the year.
“The woods – explains the regional councilor for Forestry, parks and biodiversity, Barbara Lori – are part of our identity and of the future we are building. With this series we want to contribute to creating a modern culture of the woods, an extraordinary heritage of biodiversity, and which involves each of us – concludes Lori – for this reason the brochures will be distributed free of charge starting from the Unions of Mountain Municipalities, in the hope that they can be useful tools for active citizenship”.
Distributed by the Protected Areas, Forests and Mountain Zone Development Sector of Emilia-Romagna, the series is written by regional technicians, in collaboration with experts in forestry and communication. The booklet can be downloaded from the Region’s website. (ANSA).

2024-09-06 12:47:27

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