Environmental associations, the ‘King of Alpine rivers’ in danger – Science and Technology

by times news cr

(ANSA) – TRIESTE, 27 AUG – “The ‘King of Alpine rivers’ is once again in danger! The Tagliamento must be saved from new major works that threaten its integrity. Solutions in line with the Nature Restoration Law are needed”. This is the alarm raised by various environmental associations in a joint statement regarding the Tagliamento river, for which the FVG Region and the Basin Authority are planning “new major works, right in the middle of the river”.
According to the regional representatives of Legambiente, WWF and Lipu, and the Foce del Tagliamento odv association, these are “infrastructures that would interrupt its continuity and integrity, with inevitable consequences upstream and downstream, for the environment, the landscape and the economic benefits that the river offers simply by flowing freely (the so-called ‘ecosystem services’).”
The associations recall that “the FVG Region has invested European funds for the restoration of the Magredi upstream of the Dignano bridge, in a protected area of ​​the Natura 2000 network” and that the European Law on the restoration of nature, the Nature Restoration Law, which came into force in recent days, “provides, among other things, to restore the river continuity for 25 thousand kilometers of waterways in the European Union”. The FVG, “by proposing new works across the Tagliamento, is in clear contrast with this law”. (ANSA).

2024-08-27 11:56:36

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