Equestrian rehabilitation center. Tomorrow solidarity and fun with the promotional show jumping competition

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Equestrian rehabilitation center. Tomorrow solidarity and fun with the promotional show jumping competition

“Together with I am Championis one of the two most important festivals of the Carla Baccanelli Tolotti Equestrian Rehabilitation Center (Cre).
As Agostino Savoldidirector of the reality that has been dealing with the rehabilitation of people with fragility through horses for years, defines the promotional show jumping competition. The event, now in its 27th edition, is recognized and approved by the Fise Lombardy Committee and will take place tomorrow, Sunday 29 Septemberfrom 8.30 am at the former Stalloni, in via Verdi 16. Free entry.
“At the event, organized in collaboration with the Bressanelli equestrian centrewill also participate blood donors from Vaiano Cremasco and theStefano Cerullo association”, he explained Enzo Basso Ricci, president of Cre, during the conference to announce the equestrian competition.

Two new features of the event

The first is the “Giulia Polenghi Duse” trophy for the largest participating group. “Mrs Duse, like her entire family, has always been very attentive to our Center – specified Basso Ricci –. She passed away at the beginning of 2024 and we decided to remember her and thank her for her gestures of closeness with a trophy.”
The second novelty is the addition of the word “promotional” in the name of the competition. “We made this change in light of a larger participation of young peoplei”, underlined councilor Oliviero Marin, listing the categories foreseen and specifying that for each one there will be an awards ceremony with gadgets.

The proceeds will be used by Cre to finance itself

The promotional show jumping competition will provide a day of fun, but above all it has a purpose supportive: the amount collected will be used by Cre to finance itself and continue with its intense and precious activity.

From left: the president Enzo Basso Ricci, the director Agostino Savoldi and the councilor Oliviero Marin

“The Center does not receive any public contribution – continues the president -. The budget is balanced with the tuition revenue of our users (around 90) and the remainder with contributions, donationsparticipation in calls and events like this”.
The Cre makes use of the collaboration and professionalism of three therapists, the skill of seven horses and above all the availability of 35 volunteers.
“I thank all the volunteers, the Board of Directors and Oliviero who has been organizing the horse show for years – declared Basso Ricci –. Thanks to those who never fail to contribute: Crema Popular Association for the Territory, Banco Bpm e BCC Caravaggio and Cremasco. Furthermore, thanks to the approximately eighty activities that support tomorrow’s event”.

The president’s appeal to the business world and the entire territory

The president makes an appeal to the families of Crema to participate in the event, but above all to the world of Crema entrepreneurship and beyond: “Every day we work with enthusiasm and professionalism to satisfy the needs of users, but we will be able to continue to do this, also in the future, if we have the right resources”. Support, we support the Cre.

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