Eric Ciotti wants to abolish inheritance tax, this “death tax”

by time news

The abolition of inheritance tax and on donations is one of the strong points of the economic program of Eric Ciotti, the favorite candidate for the presidency of Les Républicains.

A few weeks before the election of the new president of the Les Républicains party, of which he is a big favourite, Eric Ciotti has detailed the main lines of the economic program he wishes to propose for the right. And among the key measures envisaged by the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes: the abolition of inheritance tax, which he describes as ” death tax “, as well as the rights of gift.

Interviewed by France Info on November 8, Eric Ciotti clarified his vision of inheritance and gift rights. The favorite for the election of the president of the Republicans (which will take place on December 3 and 4 next) assures that his first measure will be to abolish inheritance taxes except on inheritances beyond a high heritage, i.e. “ 5 million euros in direct line “. He also wants to remove the rights on donations (which allow some of his assets to be transmitted during his lifetime to his heirs).

For the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, these costs are similar to a “tax on death”, when one ” wants to pass on to his children his heritage, the fruit of a lifetime’s work “. Eric Ciotti’s objective: to circulate the capital of “5,000 billion in financial savings” in the country, in particular towards “ young people who need it, who want to startr”. When accused of defending the richest, he retorts that his objective is to create “ growth, jobs, lifting taboos. He believes that this measure would help to get out of a narrow and backward-looking vision of society. ».

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