Eric del Castillo reveals that he suffers from an incurable disease: “There is nothing else to do”

by time news

2023-11-12 19:02:36

He first actor Eric del Castillo, 89-year-old, caused great concern when he revealed that he suffers from a incurable illness, which has affected his career. However, Kate del Castillo’s father also stated that, although there is no way to reverse her damage, he has managed to manage to continue playing great characters.

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What is the illness that Eric del Castillo suffers from?

More than a disease, the actor Eric del Castillo suffers from macular degenerationand eye disorder which can cause blindness if not treated in time. Although the condition sounds alarming, the actor indicated that it is a normal visual deterioration in people his age. However, his condition no longer allows him to read scripts, but he does memorize his dialogues.

“Despite the visual problem I have. I can’t read, but I learn things by hearing them. Furthermore, I rely on the wonder of the electronic prompter. Furthermore, it is understanding your character, that is a gift, knowing how to interpret,” explained the actor.

What is macular degeneration?

The age-related macular degeneration (AMD) It is a disorder that occurs when a part of the retina called the macula is damaged. In accordance with information of the American Academy of Ophthalmologyalthough AMD causes loss of central visionpreventing fine details from being appreciated both near and far, peripheral vision does function properly.

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The most common symptoms of macular degeneration include the following:

Blurred or distorted vision: People with AMD may experience a gradual loss of central vision, making straight lines appear curved or crooked. Dark spots or central voids: As the disease progresses, dark spots may form on the center of the field of vision, making it difficult to read and perform detailed tasks. Color vision loss: Some people with AMD may notice a decrease in the ability to perceive colors clearly. Difficulty recognizing faces: AMD can make it harder to recognize familiar faces or identify objects in the distance.

The difficulty in recognizing faces was one of the main symptoms that raised the alarm about the health status of actor Eric del Castillo when, at the end of 2022, he did not recognize his daughter, unleashing rumors of dementia. Faced with the controversy, Kate del Castillo revealed that her father has a small vision problembut that he is in good health.

“I wasn’t disconcerted at all, it’s just that he doesn’t see well, that’s all. I’m telling you that, because he doesn’t see well, my dad is 88 years old,” he said on that occasion.

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How is macular degeneration treated?

He macular degeneration treatment It depends on the type and severity of the condition. Although there is no definitive cure for macular degeneration, there are some treatments that can slow its progression and improve quality of life. Among them are:

Nutritional supplements: In some cases of dry macular degeneration, nutritional supplements containing antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and lutein, may be recommended. These supplements may help slow the progression of the disease. Antiangiogenic therapy: In cases of wet macular degeneration (the most aggressive form), medications called antiangiogenics are used to reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels and the buildup of fluid in the macula. Surgery to implant a telescopic lens: A telescopic lens is placed in the affected eye, which amplifies and improves the image that reaches the retina, allowing patients to see with greater clarity and detail.

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As for the treatment received by actor Eric del Castillo, The actor assured that the only thing he can take are vitamins, but he clarified that he will never stop watching:

“There is nothing more than stopping it with vitamins, but There is nothing more to do and I will never go blind, I see the clouds, the trees, you, but when I try to focus (I don’t see), it is a small lesion on the macula,” explained the actor.

Now that you know What is the incurable disease that actor Eric del Castillo suffers from? Do not hesitate to go to a specialist if you present any of the symptoms that characterize it. Take care of yourself!

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