Eric Zemmour facing the wall of credibility

by time news

What happened to Eric Zemmour? This Monday, March 14, at the end of the special program “La France face à la guerre” on TF1, the far-right candidate seemed elsewhere. “It was the emotion”, demining his loved ones in unison. The former CNews slugger rattled off an apologetic conclusion, and stumbled upon a slip: “I won’t promise you what I can keep”. He again seemed to justify « [sa] decision to be a candidate at the time of measuring up to the contenders for the Elysée. “Twenty-six days is not much”he added before reciting an anaphora, repeating “Twenty-six Days” short of breath, like so many mountains to climb before the first round.

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The path that remains to be traveled has aroused piques from his adversaries. “Eric Zemmour is out of exercise, he is an impostordares the National Rally MEP Jean-Lin Lacapelle. He does not control the files. The further we go, the “worse” it is. He was a competitor, he is no longer: he is finished. » As if the far-right challenger was promised to descend the slope below 10%, Marine Le Pen refuses to debate with him and Valérie Pécresse to preserve, she says, her “presidential stature”. A bitter press release from the Reconquest candidate! nothing has changed so far.

“He’s an impostor. He does not control the files (…) He was a competitor, he is not any more: he is cooked. “, MEP RN Jean-Lin Lacapelle

Eric Zemmour persists in explaining his decline as the collateral effect of the war in Ukraine, which, according to him, would mask “a major problem: immigration from the South”. “I don’t want it to obscure (…) this “great replacement””, repeated the nationalist ideologue on Monday, resuming his conspiracy theory. However, he has made a series of errors and blunders in recent days, including, contrary to what he claims, on his favorite ground. While his entourage rubbed their hands imagining that he was going « plier » Valérie Pécresse in debate, Thursday March 10, the former polemicist struggled to defend himself on sovereign subjects.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Rivalry between Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour redrawn by war in Ukraine ahead of 2022 presidential election

Errors and blunders

How to run the economy and public services with the“zero immigration” ? “Are you going to bayonet the French to take these jobs? », provoked Valérie Pécresse in the face of the silence of her debater. How to send foreigners back to their country of origin? “All means of coercion” will be good against recalcitrant states, he said. “Are you going to bomb them? », rebounded Gilles Bouleau, without response. Similarly, Eric Zemmour repeated that “Islam and Islamism are the same thing”assertion at the heart of her discourse on identity and assimilation, opening the gap for Valérie Pécresse: “Why not close all the mosques? ». He did not answer. After this game, the disappointment was such that its activists poured out, in a public discussion on Twitter, forcing campaign executives to put out the fire.

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