Erkoreka: “Everyone wants to be a civil servant and when they get it they are immediately dissatisfied”

by time news

2023-10-25 14:23:35

The first vice president and Security Councilor, Josu Erkoreka, has insisted that the public sector strike aims to give the impression that there is ‘chaos’ in Euskadi in the run-up to the Basque regional elections, which will be held in 2024. After pointing out that He does not believe that there is “a collusion”, he has stated that he does consider that there is “an agreement in the background that converges in that final objective.”

Hours later, Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu also referred to the strikes and, although he called for evaluations at the end of the day, he did ask the unions that “since all social improvement is desirable”, we must be aware of the “social reality” in which we are. On previous occasions, Urkullu has been quite harsh with these protests, which he has accused of seeking benefits that go beyond work. The head of the Government has also insisted that many of the demands that motivate the protests “have to be addressed in another area outside of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.”

Erkoreka, in an interview with Onda Vasca, however, has insisted on the intentionality of the call because it draws his “very much attention” that a strike has been proposed for the entire public sector, “within which there are enormously heterogeneous situations.” and completely different, that they have nothing to do with each other.

“To expect that everyone in unison, from such different situations, will tune in to a specific message that justifies the strike seems to me to be an unattainable goal, because the public sector is very large and the situations that arise are enormously heterogeneous,” he said. insisted.

In his opinion, “in this country there is a paradox that a growing sector of the population – something that did not happen in the past and that has recently been occurring with special intensity – aspires to public service, to public employment, and as soon as he accesses public employment he is immediately dissatisfied, and begins to raise claims and demands when his “life aspiration” was to access public office.

Regarding the Basque Budget project for 2024, which represents a historic amount of more than 15,000 million euros, of which a third (5,900) would be allocated to public sector salaries, he pointed out that, specifically, in the Department Security, practically three out of every four euros are used to finance staff salaries.

#Erkoreka #civil #servant #immediately #dissatisfied

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