Escalating Zionist repression aims to normalize persecution, abuse and suppression in the Arab world

by time news

It is not unlikely that the Zionist brutality against the people of Palestine has goals that go beyond its borders, and are related to reshaping the human feelings of other Arab and Islamic peoples. What is happening in the land of Ascension in terms of continuous material and human destruction is supposed to cause a sentimental and conscientious revolution among all peoples. This is if it is within the usual rates. But when it exceeds the usual and becomes beyond the limits of reason, it may turn into a factor that numbs feelings and kills consciences. In this situation, a person becomes emotionally exhausted and tends to ignore what he sees or hears. If human feelings become calcified, trying to revive them becomes an impossible goal. This is a prelude to authoritarian brutality in Arab countries that prevents popular movement and deters people from striving for change. It has been observed in many countries, including Iraq during the era of Saddam Hussein, that the intensity of brutality kills feelings and pushes the majority towards a passive life that is not affected by what is happening in the arena. Here, the feeling of pain for the victims of authoritarian oppression fades away, becoming a normal thing, and the desire to stop the brutality and confront the oppressor, the murderer and the executioner fades away. The vulgarity of brutality, bloodshed and torture gradually leads to the atrophy of human feelings in many people. If this happens, the human path deviates, the movement of development in societies stops, and people withdraw into themselves and distance themselves from public affairs. This affair is replaced by personal concerns, and the individual becomes self-centered, distancing himself from human concerns and responsibilities. In this situation, the atmosphere clears for the bloody ruler for a period of time, until the circle turns after a long period and the natural laws regain their effectiveness, and the masses rush to end the black bloody era. This cycle of rotation passes through some peoples who are overcome by their situation for a period of time, then regain the initiative and confront tyranny and injustice.

This seems to be the mission of the occupying entity, which aims to create a state of comprehensive Arab despair through a strategy aimed at killing individual feelings and human emotions among the peoples of the region, in the hope of breaking the desire for change or confronting injustice and occupation. Here, it is also noticeable that international powers agree with regional countries to grant “Israel” complete immunity, so that it is not subject to any monitoring or accountability from any international body. Rather, it is allowed to ignore international institutions that hold it accountable for the crimes it commits. In any case, the entity continues to receive unlimited American support. Isn’t this what happened last week when Washington announced granting it twenty billion dollars in unconditional support? Hasn’t this entity been allowed to ignore international resolutions since its establishment more than three-quarters of a century ago? Is there any greater oppression, persecution and mass killing than what the occupation is practicing in Palestine? Even mothers have lost the ability to cry and wail over the loss of their children. A mother who loses five or six of her children, what would she feel when she loses more of them? The heart gets tired, the body suffers from exhaustion, feelings harden and gradually fade, tear ducts dry up and tears stop completely. When this happens, the satanic forces feel that they are able to do whatever they want, and they do not have to fear a reaction from this or that people. Isn’t normalization another step on the road to breaking the feelings of rejection? When former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem in 1978, the Arab reaction was comprehensive, as the Arab countries boycotted Egypt, froze their relations with it, and moved the headquarters of the Arab League to Tunisia. But after the normalization initiatives with “Israel” were repeated, the measures against any of the normalizing regimes stopped, and the prophecy of the cartoonist, Naji al-Ali, came true, as it was said by his cartoonist, Hanthala: I fear that the day will come when treason becomes a point of view.

It is illogical to separate the ongoing tyranny and oppression taking place in Arab countries from attempts to implant the occupation entity as a normal state in the region, by breaking the popular trends that reject the occupation and support the people of Palestine. The Arab peoples have become overwhelmed after decades of oppression and abuse at exaggerated rates. On the one hand, American pressures on regimes to push them to recognize the occupation entity and normalize relations with it contribute to the crystallization of a general political atmosphere that tends towards submission to the Israeli and American will, and gradually moves away from the culture of resistance and its groups. However, despite this, the circle of rejection of the occupation entity has expanded, whether within the Arab world or at the global level. It is enough to observe the protests that take place from time to time in world capitals to realize the expansion of the circle of rejection of the occupation and with it the American and Western policy that supports it. However, despite this, the American will continues to have an impact on international politics on the one hand and contributes to breaking the political siege on the occupation entity on the other hand. Westerners are still determined to protect the occupation despite the crimes it commits against the Palestinians, which are classified as crimes against humanity. Rather, Washington seeks to prevent international entities from confronting the occupation and its symbols, and is trying to prevent the International Criminal Court from considering the complaint filed against “Israel” by South Africa, which a number of countries have recently joined.

The ongoing Israeli crimes have created an atmosphere in the Arab region that helps governments persecute their citizens by imprisonment and torture if they raise slogans of change and political reform. Popular movements demanding democratic transformation have been besieged and their participants have been thrown into prisons. Government abuse of advocates of change has crossed red lines such as torture and killing, and is now targeting activists for Palestine as well. There is now Western cooperation with some Arab countries to contain the popular movements that have crowded Western capitals recently, which is categorically rejected by political and human rights activists. There is fear that the policy of suppressing public freedoms will reach the West, which liberal groups fear and are making efforts to prevent. However, the threat of narrowing the spaces of freedom is ongoing and worrying. It can be said that the rise of the Labor Party to power in Britain contributed to postponing this, but did not completely eliminate it. Britain is an ally of the United States, and always seeks to keep up with it in its domestic and foreign policies. Western inaction on the Palestinian issue is just one example of this.

The ongoing persecution of political and human rights activists in Bahrain stems from the close relations between the Khalifa rulers and the occupation regime in Palestine. They feel a sense of illusory protection due to these relations, especially since the people of Bahrain have never hidden their support for Palestine and its people, and their rejection of the occupation in its entirety. The marches and protests against the occupation have not stopped, but have become a daily affair, with demonstrations being held and slogans and banners being raised in the name of Palestine and for the oppressed people of Gaza. From here, the supporters of the occupation form an alliance to suppress this oppressed people, and the capabilities are provided to achieve this, and the participants in these protests are arrested. It is targeting freedom, right and position, and the Bahraini citizen cannot turn a blind eye to the practices of the occupation, the brutality of which is confirmed by the video clips leaked from inside the occupied territories, which show the extent of the brutality of the occupation forces in their treatment of the people of the land. Likewise, the Bahraini religious scholar cannot deliver a sermon to the worshipers on Friday without addressing the suffering of the people of Gaza and calling on God to protect them from the occupiers. It is the story of the suffering of two peoples who are subjected to occupation, oppression and abuse. It is an old story that is renewed until God decides what was to be done.

O God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, and grant them a position of truth with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the worlds.

Bahrain Islamic Freedom Movement

August 16, 2024

2024-08-16 09:23:29

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