“Escape”: A heartwarming documentary animation

by time news

In a number of blatant and serious episodes, “escape“It is a heartbreaking performance of the ongoing trauma of life on the run. The documentary and animated film was co-produced internationally, but focuses on one theme: A guy named Amin, a successful researcher who as a child fled Afghanistan with his family, spent years in hiding in Russia until he finally became a refugee in Denmark. “Fading the threat of violence and persecution, Amin still feels threatened, paranoid and lonely. It’s a story about family and preservation, but more than that,”escape“It is a testament to the broken social systems that allow families to fall between the cracks, leaving them in despair – and as a result of this despair, vulnerable.

escape“Is a 2021 animated film directed by Jonas Pohrer Rasmussen. The documentary is presented as a series of conversations between the filmmaker and his trusted friend, who is about to marry his husband – Caspar, and wants to share his personal history for the first time. Amin became a refugee in Denmark as a young man, and for years lived under the lie that his whole family died. Now, as a successful academic with a solid career, Amin speaks for the first time about his painful history.

escape“It is a visually distinct and fascinating documentary that makes the best use of the medium. Despite a largely minimalist but realistic approach, small details are scattered throughout the film, adding a sense of fit to the scenes. The pieces of food waste and crumbs on the kitchen counter at Amin’s childhood home give the space a homely feel. Grated, while the dark, faded black stains on the walls of their claustrophobic Russian apartment evoke a sense of insult. Very personal.The effect is memorable, engraving images in the minds of audiences who feel empathy.

Making the “escape“Such a victory is a moment of human grace and community. Although the sense of Diaspora and longing is a clear backbone, it can be argued that the real emotional core of the film is family love. Amin’s main motivation in life is to touch victims for whom his family sacrificed; It was the best way to ensure their safety, and to prevent him and his brother from fighting in an unlikely way that they would return from it.

Amin’s status in “escape“He’s tragic. As a child, he experiences great atrocities that no human – let alone a child – has to deal with. His youth was wasted in hiding, and his whole family is scattered throughout Europe. However, the film makes sure to present Amin as an exception; he could have died several. Sometimes, when it means that many other children in his situation have had a worse situation – killed by the Taliban, sexually assaulted by corrupt officials, or simply stuck in a poor refugee camp housing, left (as Amin calls it) to ‘rot’ in hopes of never getting relief. Although it would be tempting to describe Amin’s journey as a victory of will, “escape“Reminds viewers that Amin was simply lucky not to be killed, and that the young man escaped only from a life of oppression and suffering and by combining the sacrifice of his family members.

Although it may sound bleak, there is a strangely optimistic current throughout Amin’s story. Yes, he and his family suffered greatly, but he got out of it. Indeed, the story is, at its core, a story of love. Amin’s love for his family paints his memories, and the scenes of the family together in moments of peace – even if it’s just sitting in the dark and watching soap operas – make the film’s disturbing content bearable without falling into the world of ‘exploitative tourism’. “escape“It’s a supreme show of a deep personal story that is also remarkably politically significant; Amin’s story is just one of countless children faced with impossible chances and difficult circumstances. And if nothing is done on a global scale, unfortunately, much worse versions of this tragic story are doomed Continue far into the future.

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