Escape from that-me-says November 4, a Coplan…ified plan?

by time news

2023-11-13 14:54:53

On Saturday, November 4, people armed to the teeth used their toys to disturb the sleep of Kaloum, in particular from the Mohammed V Palace and its tenant from Mamadi Girafe. History of extracting by force, from their golden retirement, the convicts of the 5-star Hotel of Coronthie, these former Chaud’Ndd on trial for their supposed strong involvement in the macabre crimes of September 28, 2009, at the 28 critical stage of Dixinn.

We are talking about an escape attempt by Capi El Dadis, Colonels Tiegboro-bara Camara, Blaise Goumou and Cluade Pivi alias Coplan. Some see it as a failed coup. Safroulaye! In any case, they are wondering: how an armed commando was able to dribble, to deceive the vigilance of the security cordons of the Bridge of the Hanged, without arousing the suspicions of the Special Forces based nearby, on the esplanade of the Palais du Peuple , followed, a maximum of one kilometer away, from the Almamy Samory Touré camp, base of the BQG? These bitter people maintain that it is a plan co-planned by Claude Pivi alias Coplan, his son, Verny and others and others. Tchiôbôti! Do they not know that we are at the “last transition” in the countryside? This is the aversion of bitter people, eh! In any case, there is no shortage of essays, simple and complex comments. In the streets and alleys of Cona-cris, rumors swear, hand on the palpitator, that the offspring of Claude Pivi Coplan, very Verny (if he has not yet been caught, they say), led the commando to free his father’s father. He would have had enough of seeing him parade between the 5-star Hotel in Coronthie and the criminal court of Dixinn relocated to the Court of Appeal of Cona-crime which has been trying him with others since September 28, 2022. His dad made famous abuses to the nation, right? Hence his decision to co-plan an escape from his dad, in the company of three of his brothers in arms. But the three exes of the Great Mute would have been taken against their will by “the kidnappers”, according to their lawyers without dressing, which the public understands. Kaa? Hence their choice to be taken back and brought back to the gnouf.

It is said that Claude Coplan Pivi disappeared into nature, like vapor. Ah, monè! For his fans, he holds a mystical power, he can disappear wherever he wants and appear wherever he wants. What disturbs sleep and haunts minds. We remember the rififi between Aboubacar Sidiki Diakité known as Toumba and El Dadis at the Koundara camp on December 3, 2009. The first managed to get out of Kaloum with his security armada. Toumba was then given magical powers: like, he is capable of transforming into a domestic or wild animal. An anecdote even came out of it. Do you remember ? He says to himself that one day in December 2009, a goat ran behind a goat at the entrance to Camp Alpha Yaya Diallo, on the Leprince road side. Too bothered by the goat, the goat suddenly entered the camp, not far from the buildings which housed the Chaud’Ndd eggs. The goat immediately followed her at the speed one knows when he is overexcited. It was there that one of the guards at the main entrance shouted to his comrades: “Toumba, Toumba! » Knowing Toumba’s power to transform, his companions ran away. After meters swallowed up Usain Bolt style in a few seconds, the same guy turned around and saw the goat chasing the goat, this time, behind the camp yard. He immediately shouted to his comrades: “Toumba, mâla, Toumba mâla”, a Soussou expression that he mispronounced in Kpèlè. He just wanted to say in Soussou: “Toumba mâra, Toumba mâra”, to understand in French: “It’s not Toumba, it’s not Toumba.” » Panting, these comrades insulted him, before returning to their guard posts…

But back on topic ! On what happened after November 4, the streets are swollen, the speculations, itou! Lack of convincing government communication. Because on the day of the event, ministers spoke out or spoke. Alphonse Charles Wrong, abroad, shouted on the airwaves to loudly proclaim that this is an escape attempt and patati patata. But Mohamed rightly laughed it off: “When we turn the central house into a football stadium, let’s not be surprised to see disgruntled supporters coming down onto the field…” Charles Wrong, do you hear that? Mory Condé of the Sidewalk Administration, Bachir Diallo of the Sécu-raté, Aboubacar Sidiki Camara alias Idi Amin of the Defense, Ousmane Gawa Diallo of the Telecoms, should they not all be accountable to the President, to the citizens, for whom and in whose name they act?

In any case, regarding the causes of this disruption of sleep, the saboteurs say that a rise in rank of small lakoudous, of wantan-dounkés of the copaille, would have something to do with it. According to these embittered people, the long man of the Mohammed V Palace distributed ranks to soldiers on the occasion of the Great Mute Day on November 1, ignoring or harming their hierarchy, even leading those here in the garage, uh…sorry, retired. Would those who are unable to shine have become angry with Mamadi Giraffe to the point of wanting his cozy armchair, his hard-won kibanyi? Possible, say the disenchanted with CNRdérives. Otherwise, these forked tongues still advance, why did an escape operation take away a Jackie from the pestilential guard very close to the tenant of the Mohammed V Palace? Is it true that Mamadi Giraffe is gradually passing on the information held by the cops to elements of the Very Special Forces? For what ? Mamadi Doum-bouillant does what he says. He said he will return power to civilians. Don’t bother him to find out when. Kaa?

But there is no shortage of stupid questions among the embittered. Can you take a bullet so casually in Kaloum, this most secure corner of the town? Will Doum-bouillant continue to cycle around Kaloum? Is this a security failure? A brilliant failure? The expression of anger at intelligence abuse? Misunderstanding, awkwardness or cacophony within the Great Mute? Who are these kidnappers? How did the twenties, uh, the four badasses really end up? Who are the three attackers killed? Is it true that there are three armies in Guinea currently? Who are their commanders? Is this whole cat staged?

Mamadi Giraffe, you are the Supreme Leader of the armies, you are the Head of State, you have the answer to all these questions. Talk to the Guineans. Tell them what really happened on November 4th. Reassure the people. Claude Pivi Coplan would have the mystical powers to transform into anything, he could come back to disturb his sleep.

Please, do not make this event a pretext for carrying out purges within the Great Mute, even if the refoundation of which you are the pope clearly revives the detestable habit of the past. The harsh interrogations, inflicted on those “guilty of treason, plotters, rebels”, end in death and humiliation. The proof ? The atrocious images of the “killed attackers” circulating between phones. Guineans thought that the Diarra cases in July 1985 and Beugré in 2009 were just sad memories.

The humiliations continue. The horizon darkens. The signs of a new crisis are evident. A fakoudou!

Mamadou Siré Diallo

#Escape #thatmesays #November #Coplanified #plan

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