Essays by Rafiq Tag | Freedom

by time news

2023-09-01 19:32:37

Annagi Hajibeyli

I have been reading the book “Selected Essays” by the late Rafiq Tag for several days. In fact, I had read many of these works in newspapers at the time, but now it was as if I had read them for the first time. It’s very interesting.
Rafiq Taghi was a very talented and unique writer. I have always read his writings with interest. It has an original philosophy, writing style, unique style. No one can compete with him in these features. A rich range of topics, erudition, unexpected and unique allusions, and an original way of thinking make him stand out from everyone else. Rafiq Taghi, who considers all religions as “vanity and legend”, compromises only with God. Although MFAkhundov has the same opinion regarding religion, Rafik Taghi does not hesitate to declare him almost an agent of Pyotr. In general, humanity has not been able to accept the identity of Rafiq Tagi unconditionally. It’s a pity… Hari, I may or may not say that there are wrong, absurd, controversial and extreme rulings of Rafiq Tagi. There is a lot of it. Before listing them, let me say that at this point, R. Taghi unfairly exploited his unique talent, did nothing for the sake of originality, and irresponsibly went to extremes. For example, “fat-skinny wives”, “chicken-rooster”, “one-hour panty “primerka”” and so on. In many cases, his originality rests on the simple claim that “I’m going to say the opposite of what everyone else is saying” and easily collapses in the eyes of the careful reader. Because it has no foundation to lean on, it does not tolerate any serious criticism, it is not natural, it is artificial, it is fictional, it is made up for the sake of originality.
The essayist’s “transverse age of his mouth” sometimes takes a long time, and what is said at this time cannot be dismissed with an apologetic reservation of “these things and what I will say later.”
It is one of the peculiarities of his creativity to refute or dispute the judgments given in one of his writings in other writings. Often this is not a different or objective, comprehensive attitude to the event, but just a contradiction – the usual absurd contradiction.
The writer who condemns humanism in one article treats the Germans with such a fascist mentality and accuses them all of fascism: “fascism is the national quality of the German people,” he says.
In one of his writings, the essayist who claims that there is no such thing as the Renaissance (“Renaissance was a fiction of colonial Europe”), says in another writing: “Human history found inspiration in the art of the Renaissance.”
If “Fuzuli’s “love” truth is an intolerable hypocrisy”, then what is “Fuzuli’s tragedy always at the moment of people’s aesthetic elevation”?
The favorite subject – the East-West comparison seems to be necessary for the writer only to humiliate the East.
The idea that “authoritarianism in Azerbaijan is a manifestation of the East” is absolutely true, but history does not begin with democracy in the West either.
Sometimes it’s not bad to get stuck in the West. But the result of realism “only increased man’s hatred of man” is reminiscent of a shantytown without a foundation.
The author, who likes to accuse others of immorality and juggling, sometimes has the same attitude towards events and people. For example, he even lived in prison for one of his opinions: “Whoever worships the Prophet Jesus will never wipe his nose at the Prophet Muhammad.”
They say to a person, you can love religion, criticize it, and admire it, but such an attitude towards the beliefs of others is unacceptable. In general, “wiping the nose” of a writer-philosopher in a literary product is not at least ethical and aesthetic.
Rafiq Tagi’s ideas about our literature are in many cases the product of unhealthy imagination: “In the South, literature is in a primitive state”, “Oriental poetry is the source of hypocrisy of humanity”, “Mirza Jalil and Sabir did not die from the pain of the nation; they have always died of their own troubles and have been able to hate in the circle of opportunity”, and so on.
If so, what should we call Rafiq Tagi’s hateful love? Mirza Jalil, Sabir considered the ignorant part of the people to be deer, and Rafig Tagi has the habit of humiliating the whole people: “Azerbaijani is close to the revolution, perhaps, in the sense of opening up opportunities for theft and banditry.”
What should we do, begging the souls of Shahriyar, Sabir, Mirza Jalil to forgive these sins of Rafiq Taghi in the presence of God?!
If “humanism is a complex of incompleteness” what ideals do you promote?
If the “Meydan” movement did not originate from the people’s desire for freedom, but from the desire of the people, why were Mirza Jalil and Sabir wrong when they criticized the backward part of the people, and you are right when you insult the whole people? Claims such as “God created the Azerbaijani people at a time without inspiration” are like writings written without inspiration…
“Morality in Azerbaijan is directly against life and rejects it,” he says, and then again the contradiction: “Morality is only acceptable if it increases the love of life.”
What is the generalization in the first sentence based on? Azerbaijan, like the rest of the world, recognizes moral norms and sanctions some norms by law.
If moral norms are violated in society, what is the fault of morality? How can morality reject life as the first and eternal rules governing the relations of society since the beginning of life? How can human value be considered “a sign of the cruelty of mortals”? What is the philosophy behind it?
Even when the absurd appears in the garb of philosophy, it cannot hide itself even when it is filtered from the top down view…
Look at the paradox, Rafig Taghi, who “closes a bucket” to all the geniuses of mankind, only wrote praises about Bakhtiyar Vahabzade…
Dear brothers and sisters, at the end of the article I will show you two Rafiq Tag. When I read the book, I saw them, but I didn’t name them. See for yourself and name them yourself.
First Rafiq Arch: “The East has yet to touch the West”; “European wars are legitimized elegant clashes”; “War in the West is just a business, not a disaster”; “Humanism has become obsolete, unnecessary and even harmful”; “There are no moral landmarks in the West”; “Satire literature is a national suicide”; “Mirza Jalil, Sabir, U. Hajibeyli’s creativity pushed the Azerbaijani man to the last ranks of humanity”; “Molla Nasreddin’s literary school is a nationwide disaster for Azerbaijani Turks”; “Educational literature is dead”; “Classic literature is dead, fake and nonsense”; “In fact, our “37” victims were also Suleyman Rustam’s foal”; “Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo’s naked depictions of people are the embodiment of meaninglessness”;
Second Rafiq Arch:“The name of state crimes in the moral language is politics. Legitimate recognition of the parliament was very similar to calling a prostitute “pure””; “Authoritarianism is political illiteracy”; “What is the stage of history where they often say to this or that nation “get out””; “The worm is always blind in the histories written by dictator historians. ”;”The difference between a thief of the throne and a pickpocket is only in the scale of what is stolen;”Emigration to eliminate the sweet soul has been and will be from the eternal building. I have always wished good health to the “great” people themselves and death to the myths born from them”; “Azerbaijan will revive only from the truth”; “Sufism is an anachronism in a person who is passionate about power”; “The police whip is the Guillotine of the peaceful era”; “Court in Azerbaijan is a type of folk theater”.” I can’t imagine a God who needs human obedience.” “Zopa is a symbol of stability in Azerbaijan”; “Democracy in Azerbaijan is an addition to oil”; “”President” in Azerbaijan is the name of the western eye of the “king””; “Kings of Azerbaijan looked at the Declaration of International Human Rights like a camel looks at a shoe”; “As we move forward in life, everything is left behind”; “Hope for the United Nations, in which American trumpets are played, is lost.”
I loved the second Rafiq Arch.

#Essays #Rafiq #Tag #Freedom

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