Essential Early Detection Exams: Health Tips for 18-35, 35-55, and 55+ year olds

by time news

2023-06-05 08:57:33

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Von: Susanne Sasse

During the stress ECG, Prof. Stefan Kääb from the LMU Clinic uses electrodes to measure a patient’s heartbeat. © Andreas Steeger/LMU Clinic

Patients with health insurance are entitled to important early detection examinations. Top health experts from various medical disciplines explain at what age you need to see which doctor.

You are never too old to take care of yourself. For the head of the LMU women’s clinic, the annual visit to the gynecologist is a must for all women: “This is an extensive anchor point and the gynecologist also comes across other diseases, for example in the cardiovascular system,” emphasizes Prof. Mahner, and adds: “I tell all patients that they have to see a gynecologist every year up to the age of 99 – and I always jokingly add that one could perhaps talk about a two-year rhythm from their 100th birthday.” Make sure that you stay healthy. The cardiologist Professor Stefan Kääb from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) hospital emphasizes: “Preventive check-ups are offers to maintain health. That’s always better than treating an illness.” We explain the most important health tips and check-ups for three age groups: for 18 to 35 year olds, 35 to 55 year olds and people over 55 years of age.

Provision from 18 to 35 years: important for everyone

  • Health in general: From the age of 18 up to the age of 35 you should have a one-off general check-up with your family doctor.
  • heart health: “The foundation for long-term cardiovascular health is laid at a young age,” says Professor Stefan Kääb, cardiologist at the LMU-Klinikum. That’s why it’s important the following seven criteria to consider: “The first important point is the diet: Here it is recommended Mediterranean diet – you should eat fresh ingredients and avoid industrially processed ones. The second crucial point is regular, adequate exercise, ideally 40-minute endurance training three to four times a week. Thirdly, you should not smoke, fourthly, you should know your own blood pressure and have it adjusted correctly if necessary. The fifth important point is to reduce excess weight if necessary. Sixth, everyone should know their LDL cholesterol levels. Low-density lipoprotein is the unhealthy cholesterol. For people without risk factors for cardiovascular disease, an LDL cholesterol level below 116 mg/dl (<3.0 mmol/l) is the target value. The higher the risk, such as being overweight, the lower the LDL cholesterol should be: for people with coronary heart disease or diabetes, the target value is below 55 mg/dl (1.4 mmol/l). The seventh important point is blood sugar: have it checked once.”
  • High: “The be-all and end-all of prevention for the skin is sun protection,” says dermatologist Dr. Christopher Liebich. In addition, you should keep a close eye on liver spots and see a doctor immediately if one grows quickly, itches, bleeds or is weeping.
  • dental health: Brushing your teeth regularly, not having sugar in your mouth too often or for too long are the most important points, says Prof. Hannes Wachtel, founder of the Implaneo Dental Clinic in Munich. In order to harden the enamel, he advises regular fluoridation, the use of dental floss and regular professional tooth cleaning at the dentist.

Provision from 18 to 35 years: Important for women

  • Gynecological cancer screening: “As the most important preventive measure against cervical cancer, girls, but also young women, should protect themselves against Vaccinate HPV leave,” says the gynecologist Prof. Mahner. From the age of 20, a genital examination and cytological examination for early detection of cancer are scheduled once a year. From the age of 30, cancer screening is supplemented by an annual breast and skin examination. By then at the latest, women should also regularly examine their breasts themselves.
Prof. Dr.  Sven Mahner, head of the women's clinic at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University in Munich, with a patient
Prof. Dr. Sven Mahner, head of the women’s clinic at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, advises a patient. © Sigi Jantz

Provision from 35 to 55 years: important for everyone

  • Gesundheits-Check-up: From the age of 35, the health insurance companies pay the “health insurance” every three years for men and women.

    Check-up” with blood and urine tests as well as a physical examination and blood pressure measurement. For example, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, dyslipidemia and autoimmune diseases can be detected early, explains Prof. Stefan Kääb. An EKG is also on the agenda. Within the check-up: Since autumn 2021 there has been a one-time screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection.
  • High: From the age of 35, skin cancer screening by a dermatologist every two years.
  • dental health: Daily cleaning, also at least once, better twice a year to the dentist.
  • Eyes: From the age of 30 glaucoma screening at the ophthalmologist.

Provision from 35 to 55 years: Important for women

  • At the gynecologist: From the age of 35, a combined screening of cytological examination and HPV test is planned every three years. “They usually come during this period menopause‘ says Professor Mahner. This causes great problems for some women, but hormone treatment can help here. This must be checked regularly so as not to increase the risk of breast cancer and stroke.
  • Colon: For the early detection of colorectal cancer, women over the age of 50 are tested annually for hidden blood in the stool.
  • Breast: Every two years, women between the ages of 50 and 69 receive an invitation to mammography screening for the early detection of breast cancer.

Prevention from 35 to 55 years: Important for men

  • Prostate: From the age of 45, annual cancer screening examination by palpation.
  • Colon: From the age of 50 early detection examination of the intestine. “We know that men get colon cancer more often than women, which is why screening is on the agenda for them earlier,” explains Prof. Algül, Director of the Cancer Comprehensive Center (CCC) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). For colorectal cancer screening, every man between the ages of 50 and 54 is entitled to an annual test for occult blood in the stool. However, Prof. Algül prefers to recommend two colonoscopies at intervals of ten years from the age of 50.
Prof. Hana Algül is the head of the cancer center at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Prof. Hana Algül is the head of the Cancer Center CCC of the Klinikum Rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). © Astrid Schmidhuber

Provision from the age of 55: Important for everyone

  • dental health: In this age group, the problem of gingivitis is increasing, says dentist Prof. Hannes Wachtel: “Dental health studies show that 70 to 80 percent of the population shows a prevalence of gingivitis, and you have to know that periodontitis is 90 percent preventable,” says Wachtel . The inflammation can stubbornly settle in the so-called periodontal pockets. If it then gets into the jawbone, it is remodeled and degraded – with the bad result that the supporting structure of the teeth becomes unstable.” All of this can be largely prevented through dental hygiene, emphasizes Prof. Wachtel. In addition to daily dental hygiene, he recommends regular professional tooth cleaning by a dental hygienist. “I recommend visits to the dental hygienist at your dentist’s office every three to six months, depending on your risk profile.”
  • cardiovascular system: “Walk a lot, train your stamina, your condition and your coordination,” says Prof. Kääb. The “health check-up” every three years remains a must.
  • High: In addition to annual skin cancer screening, it is important to keep the skin supple and take good care of it. Feet and legs in particular should always be creamed, and the Munich dermatologist Dr. Liebich on the use of oily shower gels.
  • Eyes: From the age of 60, early detection of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by an ophthalmologist.

Provision from the age of 55: important for women

  • Cancer prevention: For women from the age of 55, early detection of colorectal cancer is on the agenda. There are two choices here: either a test for occult blood in the stool is done every two years, or there are two colonoscopies at least ten years apart. Mammography every two years is also important,” emphasizes Prof. Algül, because the risk of cancer increases with age. Even if a woman no longer has a uterus, he recommends an annual visit to the gynecologist.
  • Osteoporosis prevention: If you exercise a lot throughout your life and do sports, you do something for the stability of your bones in old age. exists a risk of osteoporosis, advises Prof. Mahner to have a bone density measurement. The head of the gynecological clinic at the LMU-Klinikum recommends that women should also take action if they have problems with continence, so that they do not lead to the women no longer doing sports, for example. “Even a small intervention can do a lot of good here,” says Prof. Mahner. He also advises regular light strength training: “I’ve never met an older lady who complained about too much muscle mass, on the contrary.”

Prevention from the age of 55: Important for men

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta: From the age of 65 men have a one-time right to an ultrasound examination for the early detection of aneurysms in the abdominal artery.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about clinical pictures.


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