Established Parliamentary Intergroup for active ageing

by time news

The birth of theParliamentary intergroup for active ageing, promoted on the initiative of Senator Ignazio Zullo (Fdl) and deputy Paolo Ciani (Pd-Idp), the latter already involved in the issue in his previous role as regional councilor in Lazio. The press conference to present the Intergroup, held today in the Senate, was organized in collaboration with HappyAgeing – the Italian Alliance for Active Aging.

“The birth of the Intergroup comes at a crucial moment for issues related to active aging – he underlines Michele Conversano, president of the HappyAgeing Scientific Technical Committee -. In fact, the bill delegates policies in favor of the elderly in article 3 commits the government, by January 2024, to adopt one or more legislative decrees to promote the dignity and autonomy of older people, active aging and the prevention of frailty in this segment of the population, whose health and protection also pass through vaccination not only against seasonal flu, but also against some other pathologies that are very dangerous for people over 65. The bill in question was definitively approved on Tuesday 21 March by the Chamber of Deputies, in the text identical to that transmitted by the Senate. We hope to see the efforts of the Intergroup concentrated on these aspects and, therefore, on the adoption of legislative decrees by the competent ministries, to whose members we wish them good luck”.

“The countries that are part of the EU should create the conditions for a tangible and healthy active aging of their inhabitants”, says Senator Zullo of the X Commission for Social Affairs, Health, Public and Private Employment, Social Security of the Senate. “For this reason, we too who represent Italy must commit ourselves to ensure that policies that go in this direction are concretely implemented, focusing in particular on areas relevant to the elderly such as immunisation, nutrition, physical activity, screening and correct use of medicines“.

“Active aging – he argues Ciani, secretary XII Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber – implies the idea that old age should not be seen as a time of decline and isolation, but as one phase of life in which it is possible to continue to maintain an active role in society preventing situations of isolation and marginalization and ensuring a good quality of life. All of this-he continues-in the most total respect for the person and for their free determinations, which it is necessary to safeguard also and above all in the moments in which the person finds himself in moments of weakness, which is certainly old age. In this perspective, the same fundamental health and welfare aspects should be considered only as a part of policies towards the elderly, thus avoiding being the only dimension in which the elderly are considered”.

“The birth of the parliamentary Intergroup – he comments Francesco Macchia of HappyAgeing – it is important news, because it highlights the attention of the parliamentarians of the XIX Legislature for a phenomenon that is radically changing our society and that must be governed but, above all, made the most of: the progressive aging of the population. Furthermore, the initiative represents an example of good politics because it sees parliamentarians of opposing political alignments collaborate on an issue of such high social importance. HappyAgeing can only be satisfied with this important step which can bring the needs of such a large segment of our population into the heart of institutional and political activity ”, she concludes.

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