Establishing a New Opposition Political Party: National Civic Front’s Journey to Create a Counterweight in Mexico

by time news

Call National Civic Front who participated in it Previous elections as a civilian force to promote the candidacy of Xochitl Gálvez This Saturday will begin the path to establishing itself as an opposition political party and creating a counterweight to the call in the country. Fourth change,

Front members in an interview UniversalHe assured that the doors were open in the group for former presidential candidate Xochitl Gálvez, so she could participate in the assembly as a citizen, no longer as a representative of a political party.

The front’s first meeting is this Saturday 2 June In which they hope to reach an agreement on the creation of a new political force in 2025, as they intend to hold citizen consultations in the country’s 32 entities. The gathering will be held at the Juan de la Barrera Olympic Gymnasium.

Also read: They want a party… and they want Xochitl and Claudio X.

Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, a member of the National Civic Front, said that even more 2 thousand 555 people They have registered for the event and have received 60 citizen proposals.

They are waiting for members of civil society organizations to arrive 32 institutions For discussion of the country this Saturday.

Acosta Naranjo He reiterated that civil society organizations are concerned about the initiative to reform the judiciary, as they consider it an attack on the judiciary: “Plan C is the disappearance of the initiative CuttingHe stressed, “There will no longer be any constitutional control body over the other powers, it will be subordinate to the executive branch.”

Meanwhile, Emilio Álvarez Icaza highlighted the organizations that will participate throughout the event Mexican Republic They intend to take stock of what happened in the June 2 elections, as well as on the initiatives of the working groups judicial reformThe National Guard and the creation of a new political power.

“We want to carry out an exercise from the outside to the bottom, we do not want to centralize everything in Mexico City, we will make decisions in consultation with citizens, to consolidate a political force, so that María Rosa does not become a political party, nor the PRI or the PRD 2.0, none of these arguments should be different,” he assured.

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Emilio Álvarez Icaza said that, after the elections of June 2, he observed that there is a crisis of representation by the existing political parties, there is also a very strong debate about the need for another opposition force, hence the organization civil society They will analyze the construction of a new counterweight.

Senator Gustavo Madero indicated that he had called a national meeting to raise the question in the Assembly about the integration of a new political organization, saying that there was a rupture within the party. Political parties They exist, so they must be renewed, so they analyze the construction of a new counteraction with more open and clear proposals for society.

“There is a rupture in political parties, they must renew themselves with clear proposals and strategies for the citizens, that is our goal,” he said.

Madero made it clear that political organization Opposition groups are facing the biggest crisis in their history regarding their leadership.

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