Estonia will introduce full customs control on the border with Russia next week /

by times news cr

2024-08-02 04:20:29

Estonian Prime Minister Kristens Michal announced on Thursday that the number of deliveries to Russia and the number of contacts with Russia will increase.

Michals emphasized that Estonia strongly advocates in Europe that goods used for the war in Ukraine and which threaten the security of Europe, including Estonia, are not exported to Russia.

“Attempts to circumvent sanctions and the transportation of prohibited goods across our borders unfortunately continue, as does Russia’s brutal war against the state and people of Ukraine. By applying full control of goods, we can make it more difficult to circumvent sanctions and Russia’s ability to supply its war machine,” Michal said.

“This means that from August 8, full customs control will begin at the border control points on the roads of Narva, Koidula and Luhama, as well as on the railway when leaving Estonia,” said Michals.

On Thursday, Estonian government ministers will present an action plan prepared by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior, which foresees the transition to full customs control of all people and goods going to Russia.

The Prime Minister added that municipalities, as well as carriers and bus companies, have been informed about the changes.

Compared to risk-based checks, full customs checks take more time and are expected to reduce the number of border crossings from Estonia to Russia.

For travelers, customs checks will include visual profiling and risk assessment, so an additional check of personal belongings and, if necessary, a full check may be ordered.

For vehicles, the procedure involves questioning the driver, inspecting the luggage compartment and, depending on the risk assessment, a more detailed inspection, including an X-ray.

In the case of goods transportation, documents, goods will be checked, if necessary, an X-ray examination will be carried out, but in case of doubt, unloading, opening and transfer of goods is also possible.

As the Minister of Finance of Estonia Jürgens Ligi informed, every case of border crossing will come to the attention of the authorities, thus the control of sanctions will be strengthened.

The minister explained that the flow of goods subject to sanctions through the territory of Estonia has increased in recent years. Ligi said that the goods are declared as exported to third countries, however, such declarations are not reliable and the flow of goods stops in Russia.

Last time on July 4, the government discussed the possibility of strengthening customs control on the Estonian-Russian border and decided to strengthen the monitoring of the circulation of goods subject to sanctions.

added paragraphs 9-13

2024-08-02 04:20:29

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