Estonia will start vaccinating boys against HPV free of charge

by time news

2023-12-22 11:00:12

Vaccination. Photo: Canva

Starting from February 1, 2024, all schoolchildren from 12 to 18 years old, both girls and boys, will be able to receive free vaccination against HPV (human papillomavirus). Until now, only girls aged 12 to 14 years have been vaccinated free of charge.

An important decision to make free vaccination available to boys, as is the case in all European countries with the exception of Bulgaria and until recently Estonia, was made by the expert commission on immunoprophylaxis operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Maia-Triin Kanarbik, adviser to the health department of the Ministry of Social Affairs, told reporters at a recent briefing by the Government Communications Bureau.

Vaccination will reduce the risk of cancer
Why is HPV dangerous? This virus is transmitted from person to person and approximately 80% of people become infected with it during their lifetime. Most often, it causes benign changes in the skin and mucous membranes (warts and condylomas), but can also cause malignant tumors – for example, cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anal canal, penis, oral cavity and pharynx.

In Estonia, more than 300 cases of cancer caused by HPV are diagnosed per year.
HPV vaccination for boys will help reduce the risk of developing anal, penile, and head and neck cancers. Because HPV is a contact infection, vaccinating boys also helps prevent cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer.

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Scientists predict that if 80% of boys and girls are vaccinated against HPV, this could virtually eliminate the circulation of high-risk cancer papillomaviruses in the population.

Since 2018, free HPV vaccination has been available in Estonia for girls aged 12-14 years. At the end of 2022, 47.8% of girls had been vaccinated. Based on research, it is estimated that if the HPV vaccination rate for girls and boys reaches 80%, then some of the varieties of HPV viruses in the world will be completely eliminated.

According to family physician and member of the Immunoprophylaxis Advisory Council, Dr. Piret Rospu, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, there are several options for cancer prevention. “Vaccination against cancer-causing viruses is a simple, effective and safe way to reduce the risk of various malignancies. Scientists predict that if 80% of boys and girls are vaccinated against HPV, this could virtually eliminate the circulation of high-risk human papillomaviruses in the population,” she says.

“Although vaccination is still preferably carried out between the ages of 12 and 14, from next year it will be possible to vaccinate free of charge until the age of 18. We see that vaccination coverage is higher among 14-year-olds than among 12-year-olds. However, many families become interested in vaccination only when their children turn 15-16 years old, that is, when vaccination for them already becomes paid. By expanding the age range of vaccination, a larger group of young people can be protected,” explains Dr. Rospu.

Vaccination will be given in one dose
Gynecologist Dr. Piret Veerus noted that increasing vaccination coverage is especially important since Estonia ranks among the highest in Europe in terms of cervical cancer incidence. “More than 300 cases of cancer of various locations caused by HPV are diagnosed in Estonia every year. This is in addition to precancerous conditions and genital warts,” Dr. Veerus gives an example. Since the one-dose vaccination course showed sufficient effectiveness, the committee made a recommendation to vaccinate against HPV with one dose, and not two, as was previously the case. This test is approved by WHO.

For immunocompromised children, the recommended HPV vaccination schedule is three doses. This is vital because they are more susceptible to infections and receive less protection than healthy children.
Schools will continue to offer free HPV vaccinations as usual. These are voluntary vaccinations that require the consent of the parents of minor students. In addition to school, in some justified cases and in agreement with a doctor, vaccination can also be done at a family doctor’s center. From age 19 onwards, HPV vaccination will continue to be paid for.

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