Estrosi would top the next municipal elections against Ciotti, according to a poll

by time news

2026 still seems a long way off. But the Association of Friends of the Mayor of Nice preferred to take the lead. According to a survey commissioned from Ifop, the results of which were revealed by the Sunday newspaperChristian Estrosi (Horizons) would win the first round of the next municipal elections, ten points ahead of Éric Ciotti.

The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, boss of the Les Républicains party, no longer makes any mystery of his ambitions for the fifth largest city in France, which he would see himself snatching from his new enemy. But his list would only obtain 25% of the votes from a sample of 589 people, questioned between February 16 and 20, 2023. It would arrive well behind that of the mayor in office, at 35% of voting intentions.

Other right-wing lists weakened

And “the two enemy brothers of the Côte d’Azur would leave their other competitors far behind them”, points out the JDD. To the right of the right, which had recorded 24% of the votes in 2020, lists Reconquest! (5%) and the RN (6%), probably weakened by that of Éric Ciotti, would only total 11% of the votes. That is exactly the score that a list led by the local elected EELV Juliette Chesnel-Le Roux would obtain, who would, according to the scenario tested by the pollsters, go it alone.

Another list from the Socialist Party led by Patrick Allemand (7%), one from LFI (9%), led by Mireille Damiano, and a third from Lutte Ouvrière (1%) would bring the votes of the left to more than 28%. Ifop did not assess the outcome of a second round.

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