Etecsa reduces zones of silence in Artemisa

by time news

“Reducing the zones of silence and developing the telecommunications networks in rural areas are projections for 2023 of Etecsa for the improvement of the quality of life of the population of Artemisa,” declared Leidy Alfonso Espinosa, communication specialist of the Territorial Division of Etecsa in the province (DTAR).

“We continue to expand investment plans to enable access to telephone and connectivity services; In this way, the digital gap is reduced for the inhabitants of the most intricate areas of our entire geography ”, he assures.

Alfonso Espinosa highlighted the installation of cabinets for fixed telephony, which also make the Nauta Hogar service possible in towns such as Cuatro Caminos, Nodarse and López Peña. Of the 66 popular councils that Artemisa has, only eight do not have any kind of internet access.

“The implementation of mobile network base stations in these locations is another of the ways used in this sense, from 3G to 4G, for areas where they did not exist. Something new is also the use of the 700 Megahertz frequency, with the transition to digital television, which allows for improved connectivity”.

The company, in turn, has a differentiated rate from Nauta for the mountainous communities of the Bahía Honda municipality and facilitates Internet access in schools, health centers and other entities with great economic impact.

Likewise, generator sets have been installed to guarantee the vitality of the network in mountainous communities such as Luis Carrasco, Fierro, Los Redondos and Morán, all in the municipality of San Cristóbal, and there are nearly 1,000 telecommunications agents in areas of difficult access. , concluded the specialist.

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