Ethiopia, Tigray: a clash that the West struggles to understand

by time news

Asmara, 25 March arrival of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, welcomed at the airport by President Isaias Afwerki

The West struggles to understand the clash that began last November in the Tigrai region of northern Ethiopia. A war now transformed into guerrilla warfare between the federal government of Addis Ababa and the Tplf militias, which are currently taking refuge in rural areas.

To understand what happened, you have to juggle the incredible amount of fake news built more or less clumsily for the benefit of the international press.

The truth is that in emergency situations such as natural disasters, disasters and even wars, disinformation is often used as a weapon and unconfirmed rumors end up turning into news discrediting even usually reliable sources. The reporter’s job should be to verify the reports and stories that are reported.

A striking example is the case of Monna Liza, a young Tigrinya woman presented by the international press as a civilian victim of the torture of Eritrean soldiers. Its Renaissance name conquers in Italy the title of a newspaper that even asks the premier Abiy Ahmed to return the Nobel Peace Prize received in 2019 because it would be unworthy, for the terrible amputation inflicted on an innocent girl.

A careful check allows us to reveal, however, that Mona Liza is a fighter of the Tplf, (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) and that, prior to the interviews and photos she gave to the BBC and to Al Jazeera, where she claims to have been the victim of rape and torture, she had been contradicted by her own father who revealed to local television that her daughter had been injured during the assault. to the Northern Command, because he fought alongside the forces of the Tigray Liberation Army. This confirms that the one triggered by the TPLF is a no holds barred war, characterized by a media campaign that leverages reports of human rights violations to attract the sympathy and support of the international community. Furthermore, the militiamen are involved in the recruitment of child soldiers and alleged witnesses of horrific acts to tell the media to discredit those who are considered invaders.

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