EU Asylum Summit in Luxembourg: EU countries agreed on tougher asylum rules! What about Türkiye?

by time news

2023-06-09 10:59:09

Birol Kılıç, Vienna, Analysis

“Asylum centres” such as concentration camps at the EU’s external borders, “harder and tighter controls”, more equitable distribution of asylum seekers among European Union member states. With these topics, the EU has agreed on a tougher asylum policy at the summit that took place in Luxembourg. Watching the EU asylum seeker summit in Luxembourg, Turkish experts said, “The reason why the interests of Turkey and its indigenous people, whose negotiations for full membership to the EU are still going on, are not even taken into account, is that for the last twenty years, and especially since 2015, the government in Turkey is almost like Turkey in exchange for money.” turning it into a refugee hell. The EU is in the mind of ‘We will give money to Turkey, we will send the refugees to Turkey, which has an economic problem’. Nightmare years await Turkey,” he said.

The reason why the president of the European Union, especially the president of the European Union, the prime ministers of Germany, Austria and the foreign ministers congratulated AKP leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on 28 May 2023, without making any side sentences, became clear again. Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, which the EU almost wanted to kick out of EU membership, announced that the whole government went to the church and prayed for Erdogan to win. The goal is for Syrian, Afghan and African citizens who want to take refuge in the EU through Turkey, to stay in Turkey by paying money to the Erdogan government. That’s the reason for the applause. No one cares about the suffering of the citizens of the Republic of Türkiye.

On the other hand, on June 7, 2023, Bolu Mayor Tanju Özcan: “After the election, the invasion of refugees accelerated. Withdraw from the readmission agreement. Let our Muslim brothers go to Europe. Let the Pope think instead of us.” Let’s write down the statements of Victory Party Ümit Özdağ one after the other. Sinan Oğan is against the so-called Hüda Par, who was caught by the ear of the unknown MHP and kicked out of his party by Bahçeli and beaten by AKP deputies in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Par leader do not take the person holding hands seriously. There are serious ones. In the meantime, it is necessary to congratulate President Erdogan of AKP, without asking how he is pulling such people.

The European Union, whose abbreviation is the EU, has almost set up high iron castles and braids against the refugees from Turkey and finally against the refugees from all EU borders, and now it is keeping the captured at the borders, collecting them in concentration camps and sending them back to the countries they came from if the conditions for asylum are not sufficient. agreed on. The subject is actually very simple, it covers EU countries, especially from Turkey and other Mediterranean countries, especially Italy and Spain from Africa. After years of strife, the reason why EU countries agreed to tighten EU asylum rules is, in fact, Erdogan’s re-election to the Presidency in Turkey. The EU interior ministers, who met in Luxembourg last Thursday, discussed concretely the distribution of asylum seekers within the EU, as well as the preliminary examination of the asylum applications of those who are on the European external border, especially the borders of Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, and those who are less likely to gain the right to stay.

After the tragedy that started with the refugees coming from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and African countries or the male refugees fleeing from the Taliban as a result of the horse bargain between the American leader Biden and Erdoğan, the Republic of Turkey and its citizens were called “asylum”. One wonders what the opposition parties in Turkey will say about these decisions taken by the EU over the weekend.

EU states now need to start negotiations with the EU Parliament for the final text of the law. Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) described the result as “a good step forward” at a public meeting. It was noteworthy that Austrian Chancellor Nehammer and Foreign Minister Schallenberg were among the first EU leaders to congratulate Erdoğan on 28 May. After US President Biden and the Taliban leaders.

Minister of Interior Karner said, “The current system does not work. However, we must take further steps. We believe that it is necessary to improve it.” His words were interpreted as “first of all, determining what to do at the borders and opening the purse for Turkey to send them back” in order to reduce the number of refugees coming from Turkey. In short, in Turkey, which has turned into a refugee prison due to both the economy and the climate, it will turn the lives of local people into hell and even give citizenship to people who have not attained citizenship awareness in Turkey, and will continue to cause games to manipulate elections. No one is surprised that EU leaders are protecting their own citizens and homelands. But it is not surprising that the Ikhwan Muslim Brotherhood policy, in which Turkey’s government declared, “We will perform Friday prayers in Syria, Damascus,” and the position that the Republic of Turkey and its people have fallen, are interpreted by experts and the opposition as “a war and invasion, almost against the local people and the Republic.”

Austria’s ÖVP EU MP Karas: “But the road is still long”.

Othmar Karas, a member of the European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament, a colleague of the Minister of Interior ÖVP Karner, said in a statement on his Twitter account that he welcomes the “European Union Council to finally sit at the negotiating table with the EU Parliament”.

After Karas said that the road is still long, “At the same time, there is a need for the protection of external borders to become a competence of the EU and uniform asylum procedures at the external border. A solidarity-based deployment key and more coordinated assistance on the ground is needed,” he said. How should politicians in Turkey understand these statements?

What is certain is that many EU countries are pushing for a quick solution.

Given the high number of asylum seekers and asylum applications to the EU and the EU elections to be held in June 2024, it should come as no surprise that many EU countries are pressing for a quick solution, as indigenous people, mainly in Austria and Germany, are male-only and It is disturbed by the refugees, mostly from an uncivilized world and harassing the indigenous people. For this reason, the extreme and populist right is on its way to becoming the first party in Austria and Germany. Despite this, according to the information received from close sources, the negotiations of the EU interior ministers were very difficult. In particular, countries such as Austria, Italy and Germany have requested improvements at various points.

So what does the compromise say?

The consensus of EU interior ministers essentially envisages a much stricter treatment of asylum seekers and migrants who are unlikely to stay.

In the future, people from countries that are considered safe, especially from countries like Turkey, will be sent to reception centers such as concentration camps, which are tightly controlled under detention-like conditions after crossing the border.

Here, it will be examined whether they have a chance to seek asylum within six months under normal conditions. If they don’t have a chance, they will be immediately sent back to the country they came from, for example Turkey.

Note to the words of Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, “More solidarity with member states that are under heavy burden at the EU external border is good. Alongside stricter asylum procedures, there should be greater solidarity with Member States that are heavily burdened at the EU’s external borders. In the future this should no longer be voluntary but mandatory. Countries that do not want to accept refugees will have to pay compensation.”

It has been learned that this fee is approximately 22 thousand euros per asylum seeker.

It was noteworthy that countries such as Hungary, which were not very happy with this situation and sent asylum seekers, especially from Turkey, to Austria, voted against the plan for this reason.

In response to the question whether Austria will be exempted, Minister of Interior Karner replied, “Last year, 2023, Austria received more than 110,000 asylum applications. For example, we have police officers on the Hungarian-Serbian border. Other solidarity measures have also been taken, and we expect more and more solidarity from other countries as well.” From whom is solidarity expected? Of course, mainly from Hungary and Serbia.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, when asked about this issue, made the following comment, which will have a positive effect on Austria: “Austria is also a part of it, they are so dedicated to solidarity among these EU countries. Countries like Italy, for example, could benefit from the solidarity mission. Italy has registered more than 50,000 migrants crossing the Mediterranean this year, according to the UN Refugee Agency. Most of them came from Tunisia, Egypt and Bangladesh, so they had almost no chance of staying legal.”

So what does Austria’s right-wing party FPÖ say?

„The ÖVP Minister of Interior Karner relinquished his basic promise to prevent the redistribution of asylum seekers. He’s stabbing the Austrians in the back,” said FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl and FPÖ security spokesman Hannes Amesbauer expressing disappointment, which means the laws will get tougher.

Should an agreement be reached with the EU Parliament, the FPÖ demanded a referendum on this asylum package in Austria. Kickl drew attention to the fact that the planned redistribution model would not work either, as the social assistance systems provided to the refugees in the country are very different.

Harald Vilimsky, the head of the FPÖ’s delegation to the EU Parliament, said: “It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s too late and not enough. The fact that the new border procedure is an attempt to stop at least some of the migrants at the external border and subject them to a faster decision could have a positive impact on the main affected countries within the Union, such as Austria. But it’s unclear whether the app will actually work. He wasn’t sure. It is also completely unclear how to increase the extremely low deportation rates in the EU.”

Another point to be aware of is that this refugee reform meeting was not supported by Poland, Hungary, Malta, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The Czech Republic has made it clear that it does not want to participate in the solidarity mechanism after the agreement. Poland and Hungary have expressed similar views in the past.

After the agreement, negotiations with the EU Parliament can begin. Therefore, there may still be changes. A compromise must be reached before the European elections in 2024 for the entire asylum and migration agreement, which envisages various arrangements.

Don’t worry that Turkey’s name is not mentioned, the main subject is actually Türkiye. Because, thanks to the government, Turkey has officially become the EU’s paid refugee prison. That’s why Erdogan’s re-election has made EU countries very happy. After this agreement, negotiations with the EU Parliament will begin. It is aimed to reach a compromise before the European elections in 2024 for the entire asylum and migration agreement, which envisages various arrangements.

For the EU, these refugees are unlimited overload for their people and the future of their state, and the EU is at a loss as to what to do with migration. In this sense, Turkey’s climate problems will increase in the future, and beyond that, it is likely to become a central prison with the invasion of asylum seekers to which the EU will send and receive money officially.

Did you know?‘The Turkish government has issued regulations on the procedures and principles to be applied to individual foreigners who take refuge in Turkey or request a residence permit from Turkey to take refuge in another country, and to foreigners arriving at the borders of Turkey for the purpose of collective asylum, and possible population movements.’ Can it be done without permission and control? Are those who say that the government, which makes the Turkish economy worse than the need for 70 cents, has been a toy in the clutches of the EU, is it wrong?

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