EU-extreme pact on migration – PRIN Newspaper 2024-04-15 18:20:58

by time news

A deep bow of the majority of the European Parliament to the Far Right agenda is the approval of the new pact on immigration and asylum, after 8 years of “bargaining”. The goal is obvious: to convince as many voters as possible, ahead of the European elections in June, that they can equally trust the parties belonging to the EPP, Socialist and Liberal political groups to implement the criminal policies against the thousands of infernals who attempt to play crown -write their lives, to escape from the zones of war and absolute poverty. To bet on them to create the Europe-fortress, which will reject with automated fast-track procedures the overwhelming majority of asylum applications and will send back to the hell of the so-called “safe countries” those who dared to set foot in Europe uninvited.

Impenetrable borders, concentration camps, biometric data and fingerprints of even children as young as 6, to be stored on uniform bases, barring any future possibility of entry into the EU, exclusion from the outside world, practical inability to have legal representation and more, the new law envisages agreement. What else, could the “living room” representative of the Far Right and Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, who starred in the promotion of this extremism – along with the Greek commissioner, Margariti Schina, hope for?

The only thing that is now taken for granted is that there will be more tragedies like the one that occurred in Chios, where the lifeless bodies of three girls were retrieved from the sea. Of the three brothers who will be added to the list of horrors of the cemetery made by the “27” of Europe in the Mediterranean, in the waters of which 4,064 souls were lost last year alone, while this year since the beginning of the year 591…

Published in PRIN newspaper on sheet 13-14/4/202

2024-04-15 18:20:58

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