EU opposition: opt for a salary of between 4,100 and 6,000 euros

by time news

Saturday, April 8, 2023, 07:52

The European Personnel Selection Office has just published this year’s calendar of the competitions to apply for a position as a civil servant in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies in different countries. Although at the moment it only indicates the months and not the specific days, the first of the selection processes announced for this year will be in May. They will also be the first to be carried out with the new “simpler and faster” opposition model, of which no further details have yet been given, despite being the reason argued to justify the delay with which the calendar has been published.

Selection procedures for posts in the EU institutions vary according to professional categories. Specifically for “permanent staff” (officials) there are three categories: administrators (AD), assistants (AST) and secretaries/administrative staff (AST/SC). In turn, in each of these categories there are grades and scales that define the level of responsibility and its salary.

For example, the administrator career goes from grade AD5 (for university graduates) to AD16, which is reserved for general managers. The base monthly salaries for each position range from 3,130.98 euros on the first scale of the five that correspond to AD1 personnel to 21,671.09 attributed to those who reach the highest section of the AD16 category.

Upcoming oppositions

According to the new calendar, this year there will be five selection processes by opposition:

– Economists. Category AD6, with monthly base salaries ranging from 5,805 euros for the first scale to 6,568 for the fifth. Testing starts in May

-Administrators in the field of intellectual property. Category AD6, with base salaries identical to the previous ones. The selection process also starts in May

-Administrators in the fields of crisis management, migration and internal security. Category AD7, with monthly base salaries ranging from 6,568.39 euros for the first scale to 7,431 for the fifth. The tests are held in June

-Administrators in the field of transport. All grades in category AD (July)

-Administrators/Generalists. Category AD5, with monthly base salaries ranging from 5,130 euros for the first scale to 5,805 for the fifth. Testing starts in September

The selection processes are made up of several stages that include various tests, some of which are common, such as multiple choice and verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning (in which it will be necessary to obtain a minimum score) or knowledge of operating policies and procedures. of the EU. In addition, all competitions will include a written test (usually a case study) to assess the writing ability of the candidates. To be aware of every notification during the process, candidates must create an EPSO account.

On the other hand, apart from these competitions, the EU also periodically publishes the list of positions (with different recruitment models and in different countries) for which the candidacy can be submitted.

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