EU wants to tighten migration policy – pilot projects at external borders

by time news

The EU states want to put pressure on uncooperative countries of origin, for example through a tightened visa policy, trade policy and development aid.

(Photo: AP)

Brussels Due to the sharp increase in unwanted migration, the European Union has agreed to tighten the common asylum and migration policy. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his colleagues agreed early on Friday morning at the EU summit in Brussels to prevent illegal entry from the outset or to make it less attractive. This should happen, for example, through more border protection, faster deportations and an intensified fight against people smugglers.

“We will act to strengthen our external borders and prevent irregular migration,” said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Scholz (SPD) emphasized: “We are able to come together here and develop common positions that will help us for the future.”

Both controls at the external borders and cooperation with countries of origin and transit are necessary. The EU has a great need for skilled workers, which is why legal migration is also necessary.

According to von der Leyens, there will be two pilot projects as a first step. One of the plans is to secure the border between the EU country Bulgaria and Turkey with vehicles, cameras, roads and watchtowers.

These should be financed from EU funds, the Bulgarian budget and contributions from the EU states. According to von der Leyen, the second project will deal with the registration of migrants, a quick asylum procedure and returns at the external border. The German politician left the possible location open.

Financing the external borders

Before the summit, the main political issue was whether fences along the external borders should also be financed from the EU budget in the future. Countries like Austria and Greece are vehemently demanding this, but the EU Commission, Germany and Luxembourg are against it.

Ursula von der Leyen

According to von der Leyens, there will be two pilot projects as a first step.

(Photo: dpa)

“It would be a shame if a wall were built in Europe with the European stars on it,” said Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel on the sidelines of the summit. The final declaration does not mention the EU funding of fences. It only says that EU funds should be mobilized for “infrastructure” at the borders, among other things.

However, the EU states agree that more pressure should be put on countries that do not cooperate in taking back rejected asylum seekers. This should lead to more people without a right to stay leaving the EU, thereby relieving the sometimes heavily overburdened asylum systems. In addition, the member states want to recognize each other’s return decisions in the future. This should also speed up deportations.

>> Read here: The EU wants to increase the number of deportations

The EU states want to put pressure on uncooperative countries of origin, for example through a tightened visa policy, trade policy and development aid. At the same time, opportunities for legal migration should also be created. Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer celebrated the resolutions and spoke of a “new focus” in migration policy, which must now be further developed. “Words must be followed by deeds.”

Crux of the asylum and migration policy

The topic was on the summit agenda mainly because the number of asylum applications in 2022 rose by almost 50 percent to 924,000 compared to the previous year. In addition, there were around 4 million refugees from Ukraine who do not have to apply for asylum.


The sticking point in asylum and migration policy used to be the question of whether those seeking protection should be accepted by all EU states. Countries like Hungary, Poland and Austria categorically rejected such quotas. In the meantime, the EU states are concentrating more on issues such as stronger external border protection, where there are things in common.

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The often emotional debate should be objectified. French President Emmanuel Macron said after the summit that the mood was much calmer than in 2018.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was a guest at the summit on Thursday afternoon. Above all, he called for more weapons for the fight against Russia. Later on, the EU response to hundreds of billions in subsidies for green industrial projects in countries like the US was also on the agenda.

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The summit now followed von der Leyen’s suggestion to allow more flexible subsidies for climate-friendly technologies. In the future, states should be able to grant tax advantages for strategically important branches of industry, as the final declaration shows. “The aim of these investments is of course to release private capital,” said von der Leyen. In addition, money from existing EU pots is to be made available to support companies.

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