Eunice Muñoz dies, one of the most recognized Portuguese actresses

by time news

The renowned Portuguese actress Eunice Munoz He died this Friday at the age of 93, an event that has generated reactions of regret in all sectors of society.

After eighty years in cinema, theater and television, and with dozens of productions behind her, the “lady of the Portuguese theater” died today in Lisbon, although the causes have not been clarified.

Dozens of representatives from the world of culture and politics have conveyed their regret over the death of the actressborn in the town of Amareleja, in the municipality of Moura (about 200 kilometers east of the capital), and there are multiple tributes spread through the media and social networks.

The president of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, acknowledged in a statement that the country got used “to the idea that Eunice Muñoz was eternal” and, although he has passed away, “he is eternal in our spirit”: “He will always be in our hearts”.

marked our life for decades and decades and, therefore, I wanted, on behalf of all Portuguese, to thank him for a life dedicated to theater, but also to cinema, television, culture in Portugal, that is, dedicated to the Portuguese”, assured in a text released by the Presidency of the Republic.

Precisely, in April 2021, Rebelo de Sousa granted him the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Sant’Iago of the Sword for his renowned career.

The Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, has assured in a publication on his Twitter account that Eunice Muñoz (1928-2022) “definitively marked Portuguese theater, working with the most important directors and companies, without ever stopping to renew herself, reinvent yourself, of conquer generations successive”.

The president of the Assembly of the Republic, Augusto Santos Silva, for his part, has highlighted his presence in statements to journalists “exceptional” on stage and their relationship with the public.

In a statement, the Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva, IShe has defined her as “the true Señora Teatro”, “a woman with a human face and a sweet and affable inclination”.

Such is the consensus of the loss that his death entails that the culture Ministry Luso will decree national mourning on the day of his funeral, according to local media.

The Benfica sports club has also spoken, which has transmitted in a statement its “consternation” and “deep sorrow” for the death of the actress, whom he has defined as “one of the greatest references of Portuguese culture”.

“To the family, friends and all their admirers, Sport Lisboa and Benfica send their deepest condolences. Eternal applause”the club has concluded.

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