Euro price increase: after 20 years this is how much and what we pay more

by time news

Euro price increase: in 20 years the cost of coffee (+ 124%), bread (+ 82%) and electricity (+ 360%) has risen

L’euro celebrates 20 years but for Italians it means above all a general increase in prices. Just think of the simple morning coffee. This is what emerges from the analysis of Other consumption on household spending, which also takes into account changes in society and in the habits of Italians as well asinflation, which according to the data State in mid-November it grew as it had not happened since September 2012 due to increases in the cost of energy. Altroconsumo considered four categories:

  • durable goods
  • transport
  • shopping for food
  • services
  • free time

Overall theeuro price increase for the past 20 years it has been del 33,4% against an inflation rate of 3,8% according to the data State. In recent years, growth has been less clear (+ 0.1% in 2019-2020 and + 0.27% in 2019-2021).

Euro price increase: durable goods

Among the prices of household appliances and technological products there is a growth in the cost of refrigerators (+64%), cameras (71,17%) e smartphone (40.91%), while that of notebook (-48.06%), washing machines (-30.70%) and ovens a microwave (-51.33%). In terms of habits, Italians use the freezer more and more and for this reason the refrigerator models are more capacious. The arrival of new domestic appliance manufacturers at an international level has made it possible to contain increases except for the mobile phone sector, whose most recent models have significantly advanced functions compared to twenty years ago.

Euro price increase: transport

In 2001 for a liter of gas they spent 1 euro and 0.86 euro for the diesel fuel. Today the average cost of the first is € 1.75 per list and € 1.61 per liter for the second. Also increases in the cost of local public transport. Twenty years ago a Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Rome e Torino it cost 1,500 lire, equal to 77 euro cents. Today in the same cities the price is 1.50 euros (+ 94%) with the exception of Milan where it costs 2 euros (+ 158%).

Euro price increase: expense

In food industry the increase in euro prices was less significant. The pane, consumed less and less by Italians, is the product that has grown the most (+ 82%). Over the past 20 years, speaking of catering, the price has also increased at McDonald’s. The Big Mac today it costs 4.53 euros against 4.20 in 2001 and 4.90 euros in 2019. The price of the tomato puree and the overall cost of doing the shopping at the supermarket.

Increase in precious euros: services

Over the past 20 years, spending onelectric energy grew by 360%. A resident family with a 3 KW meter spent € 0.045 on their bills per kWh, while in 2021 the cost increased to € 0.34. This is due to changes in the wholesale fuel markets and system charges, especially on the side of the fees for financing incentives for renewable sources.

Euro price increase: free time

In 2001 a cup of coffee at the bar it cost an average of € 0.46. Today the price has risen by 124% and above 1 euro. Today it also goes much less to the cinema and so the increase in prices is more contained, € 5.36 twenty years ago against € 6.25 today (+ 16.7%). In 2021 a menu pizza plus drink it cost an average of € 5.50 while today it reaches € 9.66.

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