Europe is sinking into moral lockdown

by time news

Some time ago, a draft regulation was circulating in the EU according to which the term “Christmas” should be abolished – out of consideration for non-Christian Europeans. Right-wing extremists and right-wing extremists in particular came forward as defenders of the occidental tradition. The churches had no problem welcoming the support from the wrong corner. However, it would be only logical to also abolish the term “Christmas” in Europe: The spirit of this festival has long since vanished from Europe. Right-wing extremist, unscrupulous politics are “mainstream” in Europe. The abandonment of European values ​​in a general climate of mistrust, aggression and hostility can be seen above all in Europe’s cruel dealings with refugees.

The images of the Polish-Belarusian border flicker across the screens with tired routine. The Polish government is acting mercilessly. In the country that once provided a pope, Christianity is only a shadow of itself. While other Europeans denounce any constitutional deficit in Poland, Warsaw explicitly receives approval for the courageous “defense” of Europe’s external borders. The fact is, however, that it is not soldiers on the other side, but unarmed people who have fled wars instigated by the West. They are abused by the dictator Lukashenko, and the West plays along, relegating them to extras in this shabby world theater.

It is not only here that European values ​​are betrayed, those values ​​that the new Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock would like to export around the world, especially to China and Russia. Fewer and fewer refugees are arriving in Greece. Many die on the crossing. Death is lurking for them, not anywhere, no, in the middle of Europe.

It is also getting harder and harder for those who make it: Human rights organizations from Greece unanimously report that refugees are deliberately exposed to hunger. The government in Athens changed the legal situation a few months ago so that refugees on the mainland are granted homelessness. The victimized are recognized asylum seekers. With the new legal situation, all social benefits will no longer apply to them.

The measure is intended to drive the people back to the camps on the islands. According to the Greek section of Terre des hommes Hellas, inhumane conditions and complete lack of rights prevail there. Newborn babies can hardly be fed. Because the government has drastically cut back most of the social benefits for the camps. People should feed themselves. This is not possible through work, because the refugees would have to have a permanent address and a bank account in order to get work. The EU Commission denounced the devastating situation months ago in a letter to the Greek government. There was no answer. Athens wants to practice “deterrence”, says the other EU countries do not care about the problem – as long as it does not take place on their own territory.

That’s true and has a method: Denmark, always at the forefront of most wars to defend “human rights” and “democracy” all over the world, recently rented 300 prison cells in Kosovo. There, convicted non-EU prisoners in Denmark who are waiting for their deportation to their home countries after having served their prison sentences are supposed to be shipped. Copenhagen will pay 210 million euros “rent” to Pristina in the coming years. The money is to be used for the “green transformation” of Kosovo. Government officials will inspect the new cells in Gjilan, 50 kilometers from Pristina. Theoretically, the prisoners should be housed according to Danish standards from 2023.

After the Danish officials’ Christmas trip, the prisoners are likely to fall victim to the forgetting of the European “community of values” just like Julian Assange. The Wikileaks founder, who had been in solitary confinement in “British Guantánamo” for over 4,000 days in Great Britain without any legal basis, had a stroke in the run-up to Christmas and had to accept a judgment that made his extradition to the USA very likely. The EU parliamentarian Martin Sonneborn has asked the value-conscious Annalena Baerbock for a statement. You must first familiarize yourself with the matter, said the Green Foreign Minister. There was no further comment, and no one else spoke up for Assange. Europe is in moral lockdown. Nobody knows when it will end.

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