Europe mourns the loss of Sassoli, President of the European Parliament

by time news

Chancellor Nehammer described the deceased politician as a “convinced European”. In Sassoli’s homeland, Italy, the “convinced pro-European” was commemorated.

Top politicians from all over Europe reacted with dismay and sadness to the surprising death of the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli. Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) was deeply affected on Tuesday morning on Twitter: “He was a staunch European.” Nehammer expressed his condolences to Sassoli’s family and friends “during these difficult hours”. The Italian Social Democrat Sassoli died on Tuesday night in a hospital in Aviano, northeast Italy.

European Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) described Sassoli as an “ardent European who campaigned for dialogue and put the common before the divisive”. She has always perceived the Italian as a binding and unifying politician.

National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) was also deeply shaken by the death of the President of the EU Parliament. Sassoli was a great European: “With him, Europe is losing a very important comrade in the fight against anti-Semitism.” Sobotka recently exchanged ideas with Sassoli about the campaign for Holocaust Remembrance Day (#WeRemember). This year all European parliaments are to take part – thanks to Sassoli’s efforts.

For Caritas President Michael Landau, Sassoli stood for charity and solidarity. “A great European, deeply rooted in values, with a keen heart for the social, a wide view beyond the borders of Europe and special attention to the little ones and all those people who are not doing so well,” said Landau den Deceased on Twitter.

“Symbol for balance”

His commitment was also commemorated in Sassoli’s homeland. “As a man of the institutions, as a staunch pro-European, as a passionate journalist, Sassoli was a symbol of balance, humanity and generosity,” said the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. “These qualities have always been recognized by all his colleagues from all political backgrounds and all European countries as evidence of his extraordinary passion, his ability to listen and his constant commitment to the service of the citizens,” added the Prime Minister.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella was deeply saddened by the unexpected passing: “His death is a cause of deep mourning for the Italian and European people.” Sassoli’s clear, constant and passionate commitment contributed to making the EU Parliament a protagonist of the political debate in a very delicate phase. He gave a voice to the expectations of European citizens. “As a man of dialogue, he made dialogue the hallmark of his relationships with his interlocutors in order to achieve the common good. These qualities were also expressed in his work as a journalist,” says Mattarella.

“With Sassoli we are losing a valuable politician, but above all a friend, a man who has put his life at the service of the people, first in journalism and then in the institutions as President of the European Parliament. Rest in peace, dear friend” said Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs on Twitter.

Italy’s Democratic Party (PD), to which Sassoli was a member, also mourns the loss of the President of the EU Parliament. “Sassoli was a brother, a friend, a very important and fundamental person to us. At that moment so many memories are crowding into my head. David has changed the history of European democracy and our continent and has left an indelible mark on European history and in the history of the Italian and European democrats who mourn him today, “said PD chief Enrico Letta.

Mourning flags in Germany

At the German Bundestag, after Sassoli’s demise, the flags were set at half-mast, as Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) wrote on Twitter. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also ordered mourning flags at his official seats in Berlin and Bonn because of Sassoli’s death.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) received the news of death with dismay. “Europe is losing a committed President of Parliament, Italy is losing a smart politician and Germany is losing a good friend,” said government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit on Twitter. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) was very sad. Sassoli has repeatedly managed to “overcome rifts and thus strengthen parliament as a whole,” she wrote on Twitter. His staunch commitment to human interaction with refugees will not be forgotten.


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