EUROPE. Populism: to be handled with care

by time news

After the abominable attacks by Anders Breivik in Norway,
discussions about the relationship between the killer and the circles
ideologies to which it can be attached ignite. In fact, when
previous attacks, such as the murder of Theo van Gogh [réalisateur
néerlandais controversé assassiné en 2004 par un extrémiste de
l’islam]had some not held the
co-religionists of the authors? If Muslims were then held
responsible, can we treat others the same
carriers of the ideology of the new right to which adhered
Breivik ?
There will be few to share or legitimize the way
which Breivik justifies his massacre. He alone is responsible for it. And we
can therefore only hold people to account who justify or
explain its atrocities from an ideological point of view and which share
so all of his ideas. As we could not pass judgment
than on people who shared the violent ideology of Muhammad
Bouyeri, the assassin of Theo van Gogh. But it’s not just that.
The justification for Breivik’s violence comes from a
picture of the reality that Europe is threatened by the
multicultural politics and Islam. Read more on…

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