European Council: Scholz gets closer to Macron and Draghi on gas

by time news

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The Council sends a strong signal to the markets on the price of gas. The German Chancellor is taking a step towards Paris and Rome by laying down his conditions.

Par Emmanuel Berretta

Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz saw each other face to face without witnesses, for 30 minutes before the meeting of the 27.
Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz saw each other face to face without witnesses, for 30 minutes before the meeting of the 27.

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IIt was important not to leave the impression that Paris and Berlin were turning their backs on each other. Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz therefore did everything to get closer during this long night in Brussels at the European Council. First, they saw each other face to face without witnesses, for 30 minutes before the meeting of the 27. “It made it possible to clarify many things in view of this Council, confided the French president, in the middle of the night. France’s role is to create unity. And moreover, we spent a lot of time with Charles Michel trying to reconcile the positions of several Member States to obtain this convergence and this unanimity. “The cancellation of the Franco-German Council of Ministers, which was to be held on October 26 in Paris, had left a deplore…

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