“European countries give protection to terrorists who kill our children”

by time news

A first-hand source correspondent in the research division of the “If You Will” movement revealed last night (Monday) that tens of millions of shekels have been transferred from foreign governments to the activities of HaMoked, an organization that stands at the forefront of petitions against the demolition of terrorist homes.

Data collected by researchers, if you will, shows that between 2012 and 2021, the organization received NIS 37 million from foreign governments directly or through funds funded by governments, including money from Germany’s taxpayers (NIS 4 million), the European Union (NIS 2.3 million). H), The Netherlands (NIS 1.1 million), and more.

Also in the hearing that will be held tomorrow in the Supreme Court against the demolition of the house of the terrorist Fahdi Abu-Shahidam who murdered Eliyahu Kay the 14th, members of the organization are participating as petitioners against the demolition.

It turns out that since 2015, the organization has filed 88 petitions against the demolition of terrorist homes, representing 81 terrorists and their families. The same terrorists killed over 70 victims, among them: Eliyahu Kay, Amit Ben Yigal, Ronen Lubarski, Shir Hajaj, Ilana Naveh, Danny Gonen, Baruch Mizrahi and Rene Shenrav.

Alon Schwartzer, head of the research and policy department at the If You Will movement: “The delusional reality that foreign governments fund an organization that petitions serially to prevent the demolition of terrorists’ homes must change. The Israeli government must immediately stop foreign subversion and not allow foreign funding “We are fighting Israel’s terrorism policy. We call on the High Court judges to reject the petition and allow the security forces to immediately destroy the terrorist’s house, only then will it be possible to deter future terrorists and save lives.”

Meirav Hajaj, a representative of the Forum on the Lives of Bereaved Families, the mother of Lieutenant Shir Hajaj, said: The law of the Center for the Protection of the Individual, funded by European countries. They give a protective shell to the terrorists who murder our child. When a terrorist and his family know they will get free legal protection in doing so it encourages more terrorists. Thus, their hands are also immersed in the blood of the murdered. “

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