European Mobility Week, 2024

by time news

2024-08-29 09:57:58

European Mobility Week 2024 is an annual initiative promoted by the European Commission, held from 16 to 22 September, to promote sustainable mobility. On 22 September, Car Free Day is also celebrated. The theme chosen by the European Commission for this year’s 2024 campaign is ‘Shared Public Space’, and the motto of the initiative is still ‘Combine and move! ‘.

From 16 to 22 September, the European Mobility Weekan initiative that emerged in Europe in 1999 and which, starting in 2000, received support from the The European Commission. The aim is to encourage sustainable forms of transport and mobility in cities and to promote awareness of the impacts of transport on the environment and quality of life.

The theme chosen for this year is 2024 Shared Public Space with the slogan “Merge and move!”. Shared public space It gives many advantages: more social equity, better road safety, less noise and pollution, and a better quality of life. This celebration invites us to decide together how share our public space and ensure that everyone, especially pedestrians and cyclists, moves safely and comfortably.

The European Commission emphasizes the importance of promoting sustainable mobility to combat energy and mobility poverty, which is increasing in Europe due to rising prices. Reducing expenditure on public transport through more energy efficient methods it helps to have an affordable and sustainable transport infrastructure. It is also necessary to reduce dependence on Russian oil and switch to sustainable sources of energy, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Collective action to reduce energy consumption has already had a positive impact on stocks and fuel prices, but more effort is needed to move in that direction.

This week ends the day 22 September when the Car Free Day. Its purpose is to promote alternative forms of transport and to raise awareness of the negative impact of overuse of motor vehicles on the environment and quality of life.

Spain’s leader in participation

For many years, Spain has stood out as one of the countries most involved in European Mobility Week. Last year, of the 3. 351 municipalities The Europeans who participated, 389 of them were Spanishand 219 of them implemented permanent measures. These measures, promoted by the Spanish coordination since 2001, try to provide credibility and accountability to the project.

It is also important to highlight the participation of civil society, social organizations, institutions and companies, which carry out activities (Mobility Actions) related to sustainable mobility to raise awareness about the individual and collective benefits of adopting sustainable modes of transport . The Mobility Actionsan initiative promoted by the coordination of Spain and spread throughout Europe, complete of 475 registrations last year in Spain alone.

Objectives of European Mobility Week

The main objectives of this celebration are aimed at promoting sustainable forms of transport and raising awareness about the impact of transport on the environment and the quality of life.

  1. Promote awareness of sustainable mobility and the benefits it brings to the environment and quality of life.
  2. Promote sustainable forms of transport: It seeks to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport, such as public transport, cycling, walking and other non-motorised modes of mobility.
  3. Reduce dependence on cars: The initiative aims to reduce dependence on cars and reduce congestion in cities.
  4. Improvement of the air quality and emissions reduction of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric pollutants generated by urban traffic.
  5. Raise awareness of the impact of motor vehicle use: Aims to raise awareness of the negative impacts of motor vehicle overuse on public health and the environment.
  6. Promote cooperation and citizen participation: seeks to promote cooperation between local, regional and national governments, as well as to promote the active participation of the public in the promotion of sustainable mobility.
  7. Encouraging adoption of clean technologies and more efficient and environmentally friendly transport solutions.
  8. Demonstrate the viability of sustainable mobility practices in everyday life.
  9. Helping to achieve European objectives and regulations related to sustainable mobility and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  10. promote innovation i the field of sustainable mobility and promoting the transition towards more ecological and efficient transport systems.

The importance of sustainable mobility in Europe

Sustainable mobility is essential to address environmental, economic and social challenges in Europe. Cleaner and more efficient transportation options will not only improve the environment, but also help create healthier and more prosperous cities for this and future generations. There are many benefits to using sustainable transport:

  1. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: The transport sector is one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases in Europe. Adopting sustainable forms of mobility, such as public transport, cycling and electric vehicles, helps reduce these emissions and mitigate climate change.
  2. Improved air quality: Air pollutant emissions from urban traffic have a significant impact on air quality and public health. By promoting cleaner and less polluting forms of mobility, we contribute to reducing air pollution and improving the health of the population.
  3. Economic development and employment: The shift towards sustainable mobility drives innovation and job creation in related industries, such as electric vehicle manufacturing, charging infrastructure and clean mobility technologies. In addition, efficient public transport and bicycle infrastructure generate employment in the service sector.
  4. Sustainable urban development: Promoting sustainable mobility helps create more livable and attractive cities. Designing infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as improving public transport, fosters an urban environment that is more accessible, safer and more enjoyable for residents and visitors.
  5. Reduce traffic congestion: Adopting sustainable mobility options helps reduce congestion in cities, improving traffic flow and reducing travel times.
  6. Less dependence on fossil fuels: Sustainable mobility reduces dependence on fossil fuels, which reduces vulnerability to oil prices and fluctuations in global energy markets.
  7. Compliance with European objectives and regulations: The European Union has set ambitious targets for carbon emissions and air quality. Promoting sustainable mobility is essential to meeting these commitments and to the sustainability objectives established in the Agenda 2030.

Featured activities and events throughout the week

European Mobility Week is open to the participation of cities, companies, non-governmental organizations and educational communities. Last year they registered in the official platform 1,150 towns and cities from 33 countries, as well as 874 mobility initiatives from 40 countries. From guided walks to bike tours, street games and public conferences, all initiatives are aimed at promoting sustainable alternatives such as public transport, cycling and walking.

In Spain hundreds activities promoted by city councils, companies, foundations and all kinds of public and private entities. In addition, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) together with the Ministry of Transport organizes the XIV Spanish Sustainable Mobility Week Awards (SEMS Awards 2024(b) to recognize the efforts of public institutions and civil society in promoting sustainable mobility. Two categories have been established. The first, intended for the town councils, subdivided according to their population (more than 100,000 inhabitants and less than 100,000 inhabitants). Those municipalities that implement the best permanent measures in their respective areas will be selected. The second category will be aimed at civil society and will recognize the best mobility activities or best mobility practices developed by public institutions (other than city councils), companies and organizations within their scope of activity. The winners are announced at a public event held during European Mobility Week.

22 September: Car Free Day

European Mobility Week will end on 22 September with Car Free Day. This event, which seeks to raise awareness of the need to rethink our dependence on cars, had its humble beginnings in the heart of France in the late 1990s.

It was in 1997 when the French Minister of the Environment, Dominique Voynet, first presented the idea of ​​a day dedicated to leaving parked motor vehicles. The proposal aimed to open the eyes of the world to the environmental challenges to come, suggesting a reflective pause in the daily routine marked by combustion engines.

he September 22, 1998 was the official start of this journey towards more conscious mobility. In French cities such as Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg, the streets came alive without the deafening noise of engines. Citizens were asked to explore more sustainable alternatives: bicycles, public transport and the simple steps of all pedestrians took center stage.

Since then, World Car Free Day expanding its reach around the worldto be a symbol of environmental awareness in cities around the world. This date is now a tangible reminder that urban mobility can and must be rethought. The positive effects on air quality, the reduction of road congestion and the encouragement of healthier and more sustainable forms of transport are just some of the virtues that remind us of this day.

Car Free Day It has been proven effective in temporarily reducing pollution and promoting more sustainable transport habits. In previous editions, cities around the world took an active part, implementing various initiatives to support this cause.

World Car Free Day is ultimately a call to collective action for a cleaner and more livable future. It is an opportunity to redefine our relationship with behavior and to consider the impact of our daily decisions on the environment we share. In every step, every foot stroke and every trip on public transport, lies the potential to transform our cities into greener and more human spaces.

#European #Mobility #Week

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