European rabbis convened: Technology in kosher

by time news

The conference was held in Budapest, Hungary, and raised a long list of practical halakhic questions that concern rabbis and kosher bodies throughout Europe.

Rabbis of Europe

In three weeks’ time, the “European Rabbinical Center” (RCE) will hold a kosher conference with the participation of about 100 rabbis and the heads of the most elegant kosher bodies in Europe. The conference took place in Budapest, Hungary, and lasted three days. The rabbis and kosher bodies in Europe.

The European Kashrut Conference by the European Rabbinical Center was held after two years in which rabbis in Europe and heads of kashrut bodies were prevented from convening because of the deadly corona virus. And at their center are trainings in the technological age.

The conference was opened on Monday this week, by Rabbi Baruch Oberlander Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Budapest and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, who delivered an eulogy on Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Zatzokal, who has met several times in the past with members of the Presidency and Rabbinical Council Rabbi in the flagship project of the “Center”, which has been involved for years in the construction and renovation of dozens of mikvahs throughout Europe.

Later, Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Yaakov Lichtenstein spoke before the Governor of London London and a member of the presidency of the “European Rabbinical Center” on the issue of Acre loyalty in kosher food. His remarks aroused great interest and a halakhic discourse developed between the rabbis, which also lasted at a luncheon in which Rabbi Menachem Haddad, the chief rabbi in Brussels and the rabbis of the EK training system by the “European Rabbinical Center”, delivered a sermon.

The words of Rabbi Pinchas Leibush Padva Domatz Belza Kiryat Gat and a member of the Council of the Center of European Rabbis on the subject of milking in our time and the many examples he gave provoked a debate among those present who raised questions as well as examples from their experience. This is also the words of Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Fovzner, Director General of the Sinai Institutions and Head of the Maccabi France Training System, regarding the kosher status of milk and its products. Rabbi Jeremiah Cohen, formerly Rabbi of Paris and a member of the Presidency of the European Rabbis, provoked a great deal of controversy in his remarks regarding the purchase of wine barrels, and some of those present approached him at the end of his remarks in order to clarify some issues with him.

The second day of the conference was opened on Tuesday by Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council and a member of the Kashruth Committee, who spoke on the practical issue of training restaurants and hotels for the year and Passover. He spoke about the purchase of fish from Acre and provoked a lengthy debate between the participants who presented questions and examples from their experience. Rabbi Avraham Hazan, Rabbi and Councilor of Milan Italy and a member of the Council of European Rabbis, spoke about wineries in the age of technology and surprised those present with various details that should be paid attention to when producing in wineries.

The words of Rabbi Akiva Asher Padwa, Rabbi of the “Reserve for the Vest” England, on the issue of kosher liquor, aroused great interest. This is a complicated halakhic issue that has many details of law. Rabbi Yehuda Asher Steiner, Rabbi of Badash Manshster, surprised those present when he spoke about the duty of care in drinking non-kosher cocktails and coffee in hotels and cafes. Told about dealing with insects in Europe’s climate. Rabbi Israel Moshe Gutntag, Director of the “London London” Training Committee, gave practical guidance on technological monitoring of production processes. . His remarks provoked a halakhic discourse over a long period of time as the various rabbis surrounded him with de facto questions.

Wednesday, the last day of the conference, dealt with technology. Rabbi Moshe Yitzhak Eisenberg, a kosher expert, spoke about the technological revolution in kosher slaughter, Rabbi Hillel Royd, head of the raw materials department at Badatz Manshster, spoke about raw materials in the age of technology. Shimon Eckstein, one of the heads of the KLBD and Belza training systems in the United States, spoke on the training of electrical systems in factories and the importance of supervision. Kosher in which various issues were raised and solutions were formulated that provoked a lively dialogue between those present.

During the conference, the acting chairman of the Jewish Agency, Mr. Yaakov Hagoel, and MK Yitzhak Pindros, chairman of the Torah Judaism faction, paid a special visit. The two arrived as part of a visit they made with a delegation from the Knesset and the Jewish Agency to the border crossings between Hungary and Ukraine as part of Operation Immigrants Home. During the visit to the conference they met with rabbis from Ukraine, Poland and Belarus and were very impressed.

Director General of the European Rabbinical Center Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg noted that the conference was held at the request of European rabbis and kosher bodies who approached the European Rabbinical Center and said that in recent years technological developments in the field have accelerated and the challenges of halakhah have become more complicated. The chairman of the center, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, accepted the request with great difficulty. In his remarks, he thanked Rabbi Yossi Beinhaker, Vice President of the Center, and Rabbi Avraham Abba Toretzky, Secretary of the Council of European Rabbis, who worked hard for the success of the conference, which was attended by many rabbis from all over Europe.

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